started a fight


hey guys, not sure if anyone remembers but a bought a fz1 as a second bike. so since where i live we are getting pounded by snow and not having much to do, i thought i would ask a few questions over on the fz1 board. well they finally pissed me off tonight. everytime i post a question over there, someones response is "why dont u do a search" so now i say screw them and there board. all of us over answer the same questions that "newbies" ask over and over again. guess those fz1 guys are weird. i hope i dont turn into an a$$..le too!!! haha heres the website if anyone wants to see what was said sorry i havent learned the link thing yet.
Hmm sounds like there pretty cocky over there. I usually see on this board "for lazy people click here" This is more polite than "Do a search" and I know it does'nt matter what you own were all here because we love riding motorcycles.

Now about your question - Running a larger rear tire will slow it down when trying to lean into a turn But looks really "cool".

Usally for riding on the track many Busa owners will go down to a 180 because of the quicker response on the twisty's.

Hope this helps!!

Once again the Busa Board reigns supreme.

What is a TRE anyway?
fug em is right! And ask johnny cheese what

a TRE is, And where are the pics of your ride?


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warbrown... TRE is a small device that de restricts the Busas that were made from 2001. It is supposed to remove the top speed restriction of 186mph
superbusaman ... those guys on that fz forum were behaving like a set of furballs! Fugem...

This board rocks! I think its everything to do with the Busa' ... Buy a busa and you turn more helpful and matured
Compared to some of the "heated" threads we've had here, that one really couldn't be considered a fight.

Most of the people responded fairly civil. People here will also tell you to try the search function first. It's not that they don't want to help, but think of it this way...

If someone puts forth the effort to search and find information for themselves, but is unsuccessful, then I'll be more than happy to try and help them out. However, if someone wants me to do the leg-work for them and spoon feed them the information, then I am not going to be as jovial about it.

At least start your topic with..."I tried the search engine, but didn't find what I was looking for, so..."

This will usually get a better response.

Not flaming ya, just giving you another way to look at it.

I want to throw my vote in for how nice the people on this forum are. I came in here not even sure if I was up to buying a 'Busa, not only did I get great information from folks here, but I bought the bike. Two days and two rides later I have no regrets at all!

My opinion on the search thing is that if someone is new and you know the topic has been beat to death, do the search and post the link for them, takes about as much time telling just to go use the @#$@% search feature...

If you wanna see fights, head over to and view some of the arguments there...most notably the ones involving Phantom12 and Fearsome (both 12 owners).
I'm a member of a list for owners of same car that I have, a 3000GT VR-4.  Talk about anal!  Those guys wrote the book!  They are so uptight that the moderators even reject posts that contain spelling and grammar errors!  I never post there any more.

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next time your over there - ask them about the FZ1 dork that cleaned his break rotors with WD-40.....