Stasi files


A lesson on integrity in leadership from history:

The East German secret police, The Stasi, maintained dossiers on millions of its citizens and those they regarded enemies. In 1980, the dossier of one Ronald Reagan described him as “a firm and unbending politician for whom words and deeds are one and the same.”

Whether you agreed with him or not, you knew exactly what he stood for and he never minced his words. How many politicians today can the same be said?
A lesson on integrity in leadership from history:

The East German secret police, The Stasi, maintained dossiers on millions of its citizens and those they regarded enemies. In 1980, the dossier of one Ronald Reagan described him as “a firm and unbending politician for whom words and deeds are one and the same.”

Whether you agreed with him or not, you knew exactly what he stood for and he never minced his words. How many politicians today can the same be said?

Stood his ground like so many should, and in the past, Have!
Why have accountability and honesty when we can settle for the Annointed One, who spends money like a drunken sailor and lies every time his mouth opens?