theres one on the front wheel too!!!
god! I keep learning things about this bike!
just kiddin'..
for the rear one.. (the big un)
it's pretty simple either way.. remove rear wheel... remove the bolts holding it on.. put the new one in place.. put bolts back in.. tighten bolts to whatever spec in whatever book people get torque specs from.. if it 'twer me i'd probably dab a little loctite on em.. and torque till they's purdy tight (don't go overboard here..)
the front sprocket... (little guy) "NORMALLY" (i haven't looked at the front one for the 'busa) has 2 bolts that hold a little plate like thing over the outside of it.Take those out and it should wiggle off the cog thing.. slide the new one on.. again.. replace bolts to whatever torque spec ... or again.. just tighten the damn things and use a little dab of loctite to secure it securely.
adjust the chain to the new dimensions and your off..
ride it a few miles.. check to make sure the bolts are all still staying put... and maybe check it after another hunert miles..
if none are loose then.. i'd probably call it good personally.
I agree with torque specs for things that need a specific torque spec... I just don't see these bolts as needing to be that exact. If you have a torque wrench I guess I'd try to find it in the manual or whatever.. if it didn't show it.. I'd just.. again.. tighten the stupid things.
oh yeah.. if your doing the front one.. clean that gunk outta there while you have it removed.