Sticker removal


Bits and Bytes user
Donating Member
Purchased some 1340 stickers from fujtech on this site, should arrive soon so the question is how is the best way to remove the old ones?


Heat gun or blow dryer to heat them up and then they'll come off pretty easily.
It requires alot of patience. heat them up with a hairdryer, and slowly peel them back. Before you put the new ones on mix a little dish soap and water, use a fine mist sprayer and give it a light coat. That way you'll be able to position them a little if you don't get them 100% right the first try.
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you can also use masking tape on all four side of your old sticker before you remove it so you know where to put the new sticker... :thumbsup: that and i used alcohol to remove the left over glue from the old sticker.
I have no idea why anyone would use a heat gun. Use a hammer and chisel. I personally use a 5 lb. engineer's hammer, and a 1" wide cold chisel.

But seriously, a heat gun would used carefully would work best. For adhesive removal, using alcohol as E_k_m_y suggested is the way to go.
The best thing to disolve sticker glue should be rubber cement thinner (Bestine). I know denatured alchohol is commonly used in body work to remove wax films so that should be safest on your paint.

The best solution I have used for years is Goof Off. Go to Home Depot, ask someone where the Goof Off is. You won't regret it! It's awesome stuff! I took my stickers off in about 10 minutes flat (all stickers on a brand new bike). No damage to the paint.

Welcome to the Goof Off Website
Good Luck :thumbsup:

Good luck to you too. I'll be using the hair drier and denatured alcohol method. It's worked well in the past.

I just wish my painter was ready for my bike. Then I could get the stickers off the tank also. They are clear coated on the bike. :banghead:
is difficult to remove the " S " on the tank ???

Not really, it seemed to be held on with a automotive type 3m foam tape, just get en edge of it with a finger nail and slowly peel it off, mine broke off in a couple parts but the 3m type gray foam adhesive tape just rolls up under the pressure of a finger rubbed on it. Came off easy and then followed up with Goof Off and then a coat of wax.

Not really, it seemed to be held on with a automotive type 3m foam tape, just get en edge of it with a finger nail and slowly peel it off, mine broke off in a couple parts but the 3m type gray foam adhesive tape just rolls up under the pressure of a finger rubbed on it. Came off easy and then followed up with Goof Off and then a coat of wax.


NOOOO! DON'T DO IT THAT WAY! You run the risk of slipping and scratching your paint! Use a piece of dental floss, and slide it under the "S". Pull it along the underside of the "S" medallion, and it's off. There will be some foam tape and adhesive residue, so then I'd use alcohol to remove that mess. If you have had good experience with the Goof Off, then that would probably work as well. :beerchug: