still has the dealer tag on it...........

As long as he stays in the left lane nobody will know :laugh:

That particular corner seems to eat bikes daily.
There has GOT to be something wrong with the surface at that point...too many people doing same thing....
Highside Crash 7/16/11 - YouTube[/url]

So is this guys crash partly because of the worn rear tire??
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There has GOT to be something wrong with the surface at that point...too many people doing same thing....

There is a video of a Gen2 busa and he rode through that point perfectly fine. If you pay attention all of those accidents are rider error. Plain any simply they need better riding skills.
There has GOT to be something wrong with the surface at that point...too many people doing same thing....

There is a video of a Gen2 busa and he rode through that point perfectly fine. If you pay attention all of those accidents are rider error. Plain any simply they need better riding skills.

Is it the wrecks there that attract the cameramen or do you think the cameramen may be tossing a handful of dirt into the lane at 4am to attract crashes? Someone was saying way back that the dirt on hillside in background weathers down and into the road and this is what causes these? Just seems too convenient for all these camera guys to be right at the right corner every day recording crashes? Something's up?
Plenty of other bikes make that turn just fine. And in this vid you see this guy make it just fine. Even did a wheelie after :laugh:

And this guy even elbow drags, look closely at those crash vids. Riders are just making mistakes.

The 2nd guy NaBusa does almost lose it and you can see his rear tire break loose for just a second.
He looks like he came out ok. The jeans held up they must have been riding jeans:thumbsup:

As they always say a great bike doesn't make a great rider, :laugh:
Uh Duh? It's obviously because he's riding a Busa that he makes it thru. :poke:


Lol i knew you say some like that. You might be right maybe the wind throws some dirt on that corner. There is a lot of dirt on the edge of that corner and it looks windy. Maybe Tuf can analyze the vids.
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