Still on the hunt,I guess....


Looked at the '99 this morning (again, thanks for all the advice). First of all, I called him yesterday, said is seven a.m. too early cuz it's a 30 mile ride. He says no, so I get there, have to wake him up, o.k., see the bike, it's covered with bugs (no bugs here in prolly 5 months AND the tag ran out last May), checked it out looks o.k., forks etc. Says he had the clutch disc replaced cuz it shifted funny, hmmmm, I say lets start it up, he turns the key, reaches for the LEFT grip, says it won't start the battery is dead, (headlight on BRIGHT), he wants $6k for it. I said thanks, see ya...fries me that someone would advertise something then not have it near ready to see...anyway, still looking
Probably would have told him that I'd give him $4500 just to see.
i feel ur pain, i remember looking at SSSOOO many busa's before i found mine in cali, im in az, and wag was kind enough 2 check it out 4 me. but yes, there are ALOT of owners trying to sell bikes that look like ass.
Best thing you said was, "SEE YA" ! Just keep walking, there's lots of great Busa's out there for sale :beerchug:
Get an 08 if you can afford it prices have dropped in many places!:laugh::thumbsup:
I would be slow to buy any bike that looked beat at all.. cost more to fix them than to just buy a super nice one to start with... might save a few bucks starting out but it will cost you on the other end..