Stolen Bike Teletypes


Seeing More & More Busa's and Bikes in general being Stolen by these Fuc*ing Low lives,,starting Now if you would like a hard Copy of the Teletype that is sent out when your local PD reports your bike stolen over NCIC (National Crime Info Computer)I'll send it out to you.

May not do much,,but It'll give those with bad luck enough to get there Bikes taken,,peace of mind that it has been broadcasted all over the country.

Just ask your local PD and Or state PD if an "NCIC" alert teletype has been put out.

If they just put out a State alert "SCIC" Then it won't come over my teletype here in NJ.

Lock-em up 161 ®

PS- And for any & all nancy boys in O'canada,,you're sh*t out of luck..AMERICA ONLY !!
FalconCop Sssshhhhh............

Dirty Pete and Hapo have been running the border with all kinds of contraband, if you tell them that who knows what it will lead to.
Aussie,,date you Repoted it stolen ?? It may be too late for that particular printout,,we pull them off every Midnight at 0001 Hrs. and run an entire Day of Info.

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