Strage behaviour at 5k rpm



some strage behaviour happens to my '01 BUSA (completely stock)....sometimes, after a long run, when i give heavily GAS, the engine seems to stall, it feels like the rev limiter is set to 5k RPM...

it is the second time in 3 monthe that it happens, and i have noticed that if i turn off the engine, when turning on the key, there is not the usual "zzzzzzz" noise of the pump in action for the 3 seconds, but there is a noise like someone is blowing into the gasoline in the tank with a straw..... - blblbbllblblblblblb -

once stopped the bike in the garage, the following day the misterious noise is disappeared and the bike runs a usual...

the strange thing os that when it has the problem, no "FI" indications are displayed on the instrumentation, the bike seems not to realize that something is going wrong....

before starting the bike inspection i hope someone could help me to focus on some specific points to avoid useless loss of time and headaches...

something says me that it is a fuel pump problem.... because the bubbling nopise i hear in the tank in those occasions seems to be a pump trouble...

i have otherwise noticed this noise sometimes when the tank was quite empty and the bike standing on the side stand... but when it happended, it was fixed refueling.... this time it happened with the tank half full, so i 'm going to run MAD!!!!!

thank you for the help you will give me...

greetings from Italy,

Check to see if the vent on your tank is clogged...when the problem starts next the fuel cap and see if there is pressure (vapor lock) in
the tank. If there is a clogged vent, then after you open and close the fuel cap the bike should run normally.
Thanx BABUSA, but i have tried with opening the fuel cap to hear better the noise....
no vapor lock, and no results...

BBZUKI, do you think it to be a fuel filter problem?

the filter is clogged, so the pump returns the fuel in the tank, doing the famous bubbling noise and giving that strange behaviour when giving GAS at 5k rpm.....

yes it could be true.....

anyone would like to suggest some more?

thank you!

hi, I`m really glad that I found this post, I have the same problem with my 00 stock busa, I went to the mechanic and he realized that one of the ecu was not as worm as the rest, so he check`ed the plug but the plug was alright, so he changed the injector.
problem solved for about 3 week`s and now this happened again, but not just at some rpm, many situation occurred , doing maybe 250 km/h and twist acceleration to max in 5th or 6th gear and as well if I stop for traffic lights after a long spin, when i go away from the lights, at 5- 7000 rpm bike feels like is draining.

All this never happened in the first half hour of the spin, only after a while....

Help me cause I go mad, my mechanic does not know what else to do !

Thanks !!!!
check fuel pressure

if its bad then its either the fuel filter or the pump
what's the meaning of PUMP WARNING?

please remember that i am italian, so my language is not so skilled...
