Strength in numbers

OB_Dirty Pete

Agree with all of that, but I think FSMD has a duty to post ship pig tails to all who bought that tail. I'm waiting Olivier. If you send them to me you can use me as a testimonial and put pics of my bike on your site.
It dawned on me today after my post on triple trees, in the mod section that we have strength in numbers. When suppliers give someone disgusting,the supplier usually/obviously doesn't care, and WE have no recourse. Most of us wouldn't like others to go through the same thing.
So in this forum at least we can warn each other and do some good for others.
So the next time Keonig Engineering promise product( that will leave every Thursday for 2 months) and in the end, say if you don't like it (after waiting 3 1/2 months) then cancel your order; Maybe now they might be slightly more accountable.
You are so right on this one, remember Texas Fairing and their BS. Some of these companies are just a little to quick to grab the money and run. (I purchased from them, it is a first hand experience)

But on the other hand some of them offer outstanding customer service.

Superbike Racing - returned wheel after two months when modifications plan changed and remounted tire for me as well. only cost shipping, Andrew is one of the best and I know others will say the same.

Yoyodyne Titanium - Purchased a set of PFM front calipers and rotors, they sent wrong caliper( two lefts instead of a L & R) replaced in two days. Fred was right there to make sure I recieved the right parts and was happy with the product.

FreeStyle MotoDesign - Purchased an underfrnder and light kit, needed a pig tail for light fixtures. FSMD found me the US General Motors part number. Olivier found the part niumbers for the pigtails with in days of the request, he even placed a call to make sure I recieved the information.

Some of these companies really care about the consumer and some of the others are there just to grab the buck. Support the good and do away with the bad, this is the beauty of this site and the net.

In numbers we do matter - remember the cutout problem. is a wonderful thing!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 23 November 1999).]