Stupid Speedo


Took the plastic off today to put sliders on, didn't mess with the electrical, but ran out of time and rode the bike without the plastic for about 40 minutes. Everything A-OK, then went for a little drive when I got there and noticed the speedo stuck at 100, didn't even do 100 on the trip. Speedo drops when turned off, and winds all the way up and back when turned on, but then jumps right back up to 100 and sticks there, doesn't even wiggle.
Any ideas on what to check first?
You can try to unhook the neg side of the battery, check all connections make sure they are tight rehook battery, and check if not they can help.
Check the above post, check the connection at the back of the speedo; pull the plug and blow into both, maybe a little piece of dirt got in it.
You can also try to reset the gauges by below.
Click the pic to enlarge.

Did this change for 06 model? can't get the procedure to work, I'll keep at it though.
...Cancel that, I got it to reset but its still having the same problem. Unplug it at the dash? Do I have to pull the unit for this? Where would I check the other end for a short?