Stupid things Men do on bikes for Women


Ok, so I asked Deadly Impact for a ride to the train station. Sure there was a hurdle to overcome...the infamous curb. As he approached that curb, I urged him to be careful and proceed with caution......slowly, slowly, forward....Ping! Creek! Crack! Scratch! Immobile... Then there was silence. Deadly was in a brain lock - didn't know what to do. I was horrified! I caused the first scratch on his beautiful Busa.... I caused his anguish.

I have no defense, retribution is in order. I am guilty & solely responsible, so you name the price, Deadly. ANYTHING to make the ouchie go away.

Damn, this is gonna be the most expensive ride of all time!

[This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 16 September 1999).]
There are a hundred fun things to do. None of them can be described in detail on a public forum. Whatever you choose do it at 100 mph.

Of course the odds are good Temptress is not a woman. Women simply don't think like that.
The good ones do, Lyle.

The good ones think like men and have bodies like Pamela Anderson (a Canadian girl I might add.)

Nevertheless, I agree with you. This isn't a woman, it's a cybertranssexual.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 13 September 1999).]
Sorry Boys, I beg to differ with you in regards to the description of the Temptress.

I work in close proximity to her and Deadly Impact. He was a brave man to risk his highly prized possession, just to move her from point A to point B.

3 words... "She Be Fine"

As a matter of fact she told him to take her and the bike to the shop so that she could have it repaired for him. He declined, which in my opinion was another fatal mistake because he failed to realize that she would be on the back holding on to him, Real Close like.

Deadly hasn't been in country long enough to think like the rest of us American pigs. I'll learn him the error of his ways.

Nuff Said !!!
WARNING! That was "TrickyRick's" first post.

Methinks we got ourselves here a Multi-Personality Transsexual CyberJoker.

Let's hear from Deadly...or is he dead?

Have the CyberJokers killed him?

The plot goes 50 weight.

(It ain't me doing this, I promise.)
Women are capable of ANYTHING. Don't fool yourself & others to believe that Women are merely vulnerable, demure & passive.

I think the disbeliveers are a jealous herd who have never received such an offer. It would be easier for them to discount the Temptress since they're obviously incapable of comprehending such an invitation.

[This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 16 September 1999).]
Temptress. I have never dated any Canadian girls. Perhaps they do feel pain when a guy scratches his most prized toy, perhaps they make offers like you did full of sexual innuendo. If you're for real, 80% of us want to meet you. The remaining 20% are newly married.

Honestly I think your one of the guys writing about his beautiful dream woman. You're way to good to be true.
Well Temptress what can I say...

What price can a man put on the first scratch on his 'Abusa? However small the scratch is, it is still a scar on the sole that I will carry forever!

Should I be chivalrous, fall on my sword as MR Bear said, and say, "It's OK honey, it really wasn't your fault. You owe me nothing. Perhaps it would be nice if we just talked more often...".

Hum, I don't think so... This would indeed be a crime against humanity. I think I shall let my testosterone levels do the thinking for me.

So Temptress, in payment for 1 scratch to my 'Abusa and the emotional stress endured I claim the following:-

- Hayabusa airlines has a first class seat right behind the pilot
- You will nominate a quiet romantic beach destination
- After take off I would like you to use gentle thigh pressure to ensure the pilot remembers NOT to engage the afterburner
- Our flight plan will NOT include curbs
- After reaching our destination a post landing drink (or drinks) will be served
- Temptress you may determine the correct intoxication level required for the next steps
- Pages 14,15,23 then back to 14 are applicable from the Karma Sutra. This completes the warm up
- Then we complete Chapter 9 thru 29, and my personal favourite Appendix 3a
- If it's Ok with you, I would like to return to Page 14 twice to cool down.

I think this proposal is fair and represents a legitamite payment for damages rendered.

[This message has been edited by Deadly Impact (edited 14 September 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Deadly Impact (edited 14 September 1999).]
I for one would like to see the Deadly Impact upon the Temptress after she rides his rocket.... er... uh... 'Busa !!! Sorry, got caught up in the moment.
Mr Bear gives his thoughts on women, bikes, and men who suffer for both:

It has been said that women are soulless demons, sent to earth to torment men. I do not agree. I have found that women have souls. However, men have souls which are always in an 'active' mode. Women are equipped similarly to men in the soul department, but they come with one extra feature. Women's souls have an 'on/off' switch, which they can toggle at will.

Men have only one weapon in their repertoire which is consistently effective as protection against the ravages of women. (NO, you idiots...not the condom!!!) It is LOGIC.

If you agree to give a woman a ride on your machine, logic dictates that you are offering to take control of her, and she is giving you permission to be in control. It is then assumed that you will have the means in your possession to maintain control of her, you, and the machine which binds the two of you. That is called riding expertise.

It is simply wrong, illogical, and just not very manly, to ask her for information/advice/feedback on maneuvering your machine after you have committed to taking her for a ride on it. She is stepping onto the magic carpet. You control it.

If you messed up because you asked her for advice, which she gave, and which you then accepted, the proper manly thing to do is to fall on your sword without complaint. You asked for it, you got it. Fix the scratch, eat the bill, see that she makes her train on time.

...And smile while you thank her for letting you take her for a ride on Hayabusa Airlines.
An interesting and timely post. Have a beautiful blonde college senior DYING for a ride. Hmmm. Seems the friendly type too. We'll just have to see about this. And Mr. Bear I agree with your philosophy, so this will be her best magic carpet ride ever. Happy riding!
How can a guy ask her for money for what he did, Steve? She wasn't riding the bike, he was.

To make that one stick, you would have to be an accountant or a lawyer. On second thought, forget the'd take a lawyer...a really good, sleazy one.
Whoa, Rich...a blonde college senior, asking for a ride in Boston in the fall? Sunny afternoons with the trees changing color, crisp autumn air, a gentle ride along the Charles River...

Dude, if you play your cards right, you got it made.
I still think you guys are dreaming. In 40 years I have yet to meet a woman who has read the Kama Sutra. Temptress is too sweet sounding to be real.

Damn what a great fantasy though.
Initially, this thread was an official public acknowledgement of my careless action. It has opened up some interesting avenues of exploration into the dynamics of men & women.

As I figured, the price is high but with out warrant. I am ambivalent about succumbing to the offer, since I probably will wholeheartedly enjoy it too much to consider it as proper payment. I believe in punishment & pain in order to learn from mistakes. Introducing the KS into the repertoire would ignite more pleasure than pain. So is this the kind of payment you wish to inflict upon me, Deadly? If so, I will pay the price w/ out complaint and wish to fulfill my note expediently.

To tell you the truth, I've been waiting for this proposition for quite some time, Deadly. I guess the forum has served a good purpose after all......

[This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 16 September 1999).]
Guys my sister in Law age 47, use to work for a company that did phone sex and she use to tell me all the things that men would say over the phone,I guess the guys thought she was a bomb shell but she was 250 lbs and not good looking,I guess sweet voice is the same as cyber posting you don't know what the product looks like until you see the product,same thing with the ZX-12,it ain't real until you see the product.Now my younger sister in law 29yrs old is a bomb shell.But I won't tell my wife that.
Cisco... you are completely right... I am NOT a bomb shell... so boys, take your Busas and RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


[This message has been edited by HayabusaOwnerFan (edited 16 September 1999).]

Does this guy worth all this? :)

Good luck for you and dont forget to press your legs around him during the "trip"

[This message has been edited by HayabusaOwnerFan (edited 16 September 1999).]