Ok, so I asked Deadly Impact for a ride to the train station. Sure there was a hurdle to overcome...the infamous curb. As he approached that curb, I urged him to be careful and proceed with caution......slowly, slowly, forward....Ping! Creek! Crack! Scratch! Immobile... Then there was silence. Deadly was in a brain lock - didn't know what to do. I was horrified! I caused the first scratch on his beautiful Busa.... I caused his anguish.
I have no defense, retribution is in order. I am guilty & solely responsible, so you name the price, Deadly. ANYTHING to make the ouchie go away.
Damn, this is gonna be the most expensive ride of all time!
[This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 16 September 1999).]
I have no defense, retribution is in order. I am guilty & solely responsible, so you name the price, Deadly. ANYTHING to make the ouchie go away.
Damn, this is gonna be the most expensive ride of all time!
[This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 16 September 1999).]