
enzyme of hypoverbage
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Just over the United States northwest border, addicts will soon be able to get their fix from the Canadian government in the form of free heroin (search) administered by nurses and doctors on the taxpayer's dime.

"They're using heroin. They'll continue to use heroin. What we're trying to do is prevent them from getting something irreversible like HIV, hep [hepatitis] C and overdose death,â€￾ said Dr. Martin Schechter, the director of the heroin program.

Vancouver is the first city to take part in the North American Opiate Medication Initiative, which plans to enroll 470 participants at three sites in Canada. The Toronto and Montreal sites are expected to begin recruiting candidates this spring.

Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham (search) is among supporters who say the heroin giveaway will let junkies shoot up without having to resort to theft or prostitution to buy their drugs. Breaking that cycle of crime, they argue, is the first step toward turning an addict's life around.

“I’m not a medical expert, this is not my field. I'm an expert in public safety," Graham said. "And if this will help reduce the crime rate — I'm all for it."

The only good I see coming from this is maybe some of Americas addicts will load up and move on up to the great white north.

I'm Sorry Canada!
Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham (search) is among supporters who say the heroin giveaway will let junkies shoot up without having to resort to theft or prostitution to buy their drugs. Breaking that cycle of crime, they argue, is the first step toward turning an addict's life around.

“I’m not a medical expert, this is not my field. I'm an expert in public safety," Graham said. "And if this will help reduce the crime rate — I'm all for it."
This is a joke right?
thanks ego, your right this country does have more idiots than we need , but hey they are going out of there way these days to save lives , just recently the top cop here in town said there is no room on these city streets for sport bikes and he vowed to take us off the street at whatever cost, if it meant suspending all our licenses for a year be it.. so I guess if they leagalize drugs and force me to sell my Glocks impound my Busa and in general just make sure that the general public is finally free of the threat that sport bikers and honest working people pose.. well then this country will be great someday. not likely to to be great for long as the idiots in power have decided that gays have a right to marry .. gawd stupid is not the word for some of our laws .........but hey on the bright side we may be come a country of addicts and same sex couples without procreation the population should be extint here in a few generations and then normal people will be able to come here and reap the benifits of this country.. surrounded by fools and a@#*& oles lol only bright side is lol they have not banned the busa yet...
thanks ego,  your right   this country  does have   more idiots than   we need , but hey they are going out of there way these days to  save lives  ,   just recently the top cop here in town said there is no room on these  city streets for sport bikes  and he vowed to take us off the street   at  whatever cost, if it  meant suspending  all  our licenses for a year be it..     so I guess   if they leagalize drugs  and   force me to sell my Glocks    impound my Busa   and in general   just make sure that   the general public  is   finally free of   the threat that sport bikers    and honest working people pose.. well then this country will be great  someday. not likely to  to be great for long as   the idiots in power have decided that   gays have a right to marry  ..  gawd    stupid is not the word    for some of our laws   .........but hey on the bright side  we may be come  a country of addicts  and   same sex couples      without procreation the population should be extint  here in a few generations  and     then  normal people  will    be able to come here  and reap the benifits of  this country..     surrounded by fools  and   a@#*&  oles  lol  only bright side is   lol  they have not banned    the busa yet...
Personally I think your country's great already, and for all the reasons you just mentioned.

If it's about choice, opportunity, tolerance and freedom, the US and Canada are the places to be. If you don't like what your top cop has to say, get him voted out of office.

Sounds like you need to do some overseas travel and get a sense of perpsective of what your country offers.

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It's no wonder that our WA state border crosing receives so much DHS funding. Idiots.