Sucha a HAPPY blue baby!!!



ALAN it's not the big deal everyone thinks, AND I spoke w/ John at APE and he said I did just fine. I did the install w/ bike on sidestand, after I got it in I simply kept tightening the adjuster(with fingers) while rolling her forward(in 1st gear clutch out bike off) against the back tire. Once I couldn't get any more slack out of it is when I called John(before I cranked her) he said good to go, I backed off 1/4 turn, tightened locknut, and went riding. Put a 100 mi. on her today in hota$$ weather, not a peep.

I recommend you get some allen sockets in 1/4 drive w/ an elbow(univ. joint) because trying to get a reg. allen wrench in there is frustrating as hell.

Good luck dude! Have any prob email me fone # I'll call ya if I can help any.

oops email is

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 28 July 2000).]
I'm just tickled pink with how she's running!!! Alum fan and thermo wrap on the headers are keeping everything cool even in HELL traffic, manual tensioner hasn't so much as peeped( I put about 100 miles on the clock today), and if you haven't done the clutch mod your a DUMMY! IT ROCKS!!! Gotta love that mx4t too.

dont mean to gloat, but you know... :)

One last thing, to NumbNuts---if black was faster then why did themotorhead sell his and keep the blue? Huh? HUH? NUTS? Where arrrreee youuuuu?

*blue rules*
