Sunday ride in south texas


took a ride with my brother and his r1 up to corpus early this morning mostly cause his wife said we could not get there in two hours it takes her almost three hours to get there we got there in a little under 2 hours and we did not speed.........much. passing some big rigs got my new personal best 150 mph indicated not much but i'll get faster little by little art

I still don't understand why we don't get a Texas ride together?
There are more members here from Texas than just about any other state. Cali and Florida are about the only two other states with as many, if not, more members here than from Texas. I would be down with just about anywhere in Texas for a Meet-n-Greet.
texas ride sounds great one magazine said a good run is from south padre island to galveston along the coast or the hill country around the austin area i think. they both sound good

just a side note as you can see in the pics i took off the r22's just to see how it felt stock again it felt really restricted and i only got 40 mpg with the r22's it was showing 45 to 46 mpg they will go back on today