Sunday ride to Alices = dropped Busa


A female friend of mine wanted to come along. I told her that it was very curvy and that she may not want to ride with me. After a hour or so I caved in and told her she could come. we were headed south turning around a blind corner (left) when some "squids" came shooting around. The first 1 was fine the second one entered too wide, crossed over to our lane and freaked her out. She tried to staighten the bike up so we wouldn't hit the other bike. Not a good idea since there's a CLIFF on our right. So i had to lay the bike down. The frame slider and my arm were under the bike, as it sled it took my jacket off one arm and dragged me for about 5 feet all the time this Bit** is screeming for me to stop. For a while I thought the bike would take me over the edge, but it didn't some other bikers helped me pick it back up. take all the grass a rocks out and i was on my way. that's about it. NEXT WEEK NO NEW FEMALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cisco sanjose did you make it?

[This message has been edited by Ambush (edited 14 August 2000).]
I'm sorry that you live in a spot where bikes speed through. But that is a condition of where you live. if you live in the ghetto expect thugs and if you live in the suburbs expect trench coats :) as for it being my fault. i wasn't speeding i just like the ride. If I had been speeding the bike would have gone over the edge (remember, CLIFF). In addition I don't consider myself a good enough rider to take those hills the way you think I was riding. Do you read my post? they are questions on "how to" what makes you think that I can ride well enough to have a passenger on the back raceing through hills. Something you should think about before posting a message like that.
Wow. Sorry to hear about your mishap, Ambush. Glad to hear that you're okay. F**k those squids! Dennis and I were wondering what happened to you. Take care of yourself & we'll catch you next time.

It was pretty hairy out there...a lot of autos crossing the center line to make room for bicyclists. Surprisingly most of the riders I passed were riding sane, except for a couple of those slimy things.
No,I stayed home and helped my wife clean house and stuff.Also worked on my new HandSpring Palm Pilot trying to figure out a way to program it to work on the Hayabusa and other applications. Down loaded the developer software package from Handspring and other software package to play with the it.Also tried to figure out if we want a new mobile home or should we build on my property in the Santa Cruz Hill,hwy 9 Felton. I think my wife wants me to be poor and get rid of the bikes.I'm already nagged about selling the Harleys.Anyways glad you didn't get hurt. Did you go down going up to Alice or the back roads in your area? I told you guys to watch out for squids!!!!!!!
OK, I re-read your first post.

It sure reads to me like you are saying:
1) the SQUID caused the passenger to panic
2) the panicking passenger caused you to crash, and
3) Next time no inexperienced passenger

My post says
1) you should have expected the SQUID
2) You chose the passenger
3) You put yourself in a position with no rubber bourne escape (and on a blind turn too)
4) Therefore you messed up (so don't blame passenger).
5) The Yahoos and SQUIDS (not YOU,... THEM!) are causing us all problems .

I, then (somewhat insultingly) flared and pointed out that there are innocent bystanders in that area who should be taken into consideration. These are residential streets through a populated area, not wide open country roads through sparcely inhabited farm land. This whole thing started (remember) with posts about getting a gang together at Alices to ride the twisties.

Lastly, If I fly through your residential neighborhood on my 155 Hp bike at 50 over the speed limit - would you say - "thats just a condition of where you live" ?

- I am sorry about your bike and "yes", I did assume you were speeding. Your posts do not read like those of a beginner so I figgured you were racing with pillion. And, "No" I do not live up there, my parents do. I live in a dumpy apartment in the valley below.

- Look - don't take it personally - everybody on this board is full of it. We all think we know better than the other guy (some of even think we know more than Suzuki). Everyones got opinions. If we didn't have useless arguments like this then all we'd have left is boring posts about "tensioners", "speed limmiters", and the upcoming "warning decal" recall ;)

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 14 August 2000).]
You know...been here for just a few days and read all the posts and I must say that you(Ambush)should think about getting a car.
You'll be able to burn rubber, do stoppies, maybe even wheelies, without any aggravation.
Sorry but I can't help but laugh everytime I read one of your posts.
Like I said I don't go up there late or at all. I found my own back road to play on and I do not use loud pipes or go over the speed limit 100mph + on the turns never know when someone is lost and have to make a U-Turn in front of you or on a blind curve plus some animals cross the roads also and I do not want to hurt them.If you like going the twisties,there's lots of new found roads near the Russian River or back side of Lake Tahoe. Ride safe all.
Hey, did you guys read that article that the lady wrote about all those people railing around down her streets.
Man that really pisses me off! I mean where does she get off?!?!
Its unfactual reporting and crap like that thats whats wrong with this country today!
If I ever met that lady, I'd give her a piece of my mind!

She said, and I quote,

Now when we want to work in the garden or sit on our deck and enjoy nature and the serenity of our mountain home, we're forced to listen to 10 to 15 unmuffled 80 hp engines at a time, revving over 10,000 RPMs and backfiring so loudly that we can't even hear one another talk.

80 HORSE POWER! What nerve!
Someone should jail that woman for such garbage!

Some people just get on my nerves!
".....we're forced to listen to 10 to 15 unmuffled 80 hp engines at a time, revving over 10,000 RPMs and backfiring so loudly that we can't even hear one another talk."

Me thinks this lady is talking about Harley's. The 80 hp & backfiring gave it away! :-) And the 10K RPM??? It just sounds like it 'cause she probably wouldn't know what that meant!
i have read the article, and if it were a "REAL" problem they would have installed speed bumps, traffic lights, stop signs or something in the way of traffic controll. i do understand her concerns, but 1 accident every year isn't all that bad. I know an intersection that has at least 1 per week. and they have traffic lights. POLK and Eddy street in SF, CA. So be happy
Ambush, you sound scary to me! Are a new rider? If not how long have you been riding? and what bikes have you riden in the past? Is it possible the busa is too muck bike for you? I know an uneducated passenger can pose some serious problems for rider, but someone whose expericenced should still be able to overcome the type of situation you mentioned, I allways take a few minutes with a passenger a go over the do's & don'ts of riding on the rear seat before they ever sit on my bike!. Now are you going to stick with that story you told us or is there something else we should know about your riding skills? Now what really happened? I 've riding up there for years! So tell us the truth, it will set you free, and maybe we can give you some tips to make you a better and safer rider!
No need to be sorry. That's what it's all about. I think it's funny when people try thing s that they know they shouldn't and fuc* up. me included. butnow i know how to do burn outs stopped and rolling and am still working on the wheelies (gave up on the stoppies). as for my cars I can do some CRAXY tricks in that. Once wraped a car around a fire hydrant, but that's another story.

[This message has been edited by Ambush (edited 14 August 2000).]
Ambush, sorry to hear of your mishap. Glad you and your bike are alright and female too I hope. How did she take the fall?

I think one is ALWAYS at greater risk while riding ANY bike, no matter where, when or who is riding it, ESPECIALLY within the city limits. I know a guy who got side swiped driving down his driveway and disabled
for life. At least Alices is out in the country away from congestion and in some respects a somewhat safer environment. BTW, I go up to Alices to PARK and look at all the other bikes as much to have a nice ride up and back. Sure there are a few "squids" riding there bikes too, but frankly I see more of them on the freeway than up on Skyline.

As for Alice's on Sunday only two other Busas showed up, plus one or two later that did not want to socialize with us.

I enjoyed meeting Sonicboom and talking about each others bikes. I learned that he
has exactly the same stumble and our bikes
are only one month apart in age. Hummm?

Looking forward to next time.
I'll be the first to say that the hayabusa is too much bike for me (in the corners). I have had 2 other bikes before a honda cbr 600 and a suzuki katana 600.When i had the Katana it was back in 89 i had it for about 2 years before i crashed running from the police. The cbr i got back in 97 and the busa 2000. As i said before this was the fault of the girl on the bike. She has ridden with me before (never in a 2 lane)and knows all the rules of riding. "do not help me lean do not try to lean the other way be like a back pack, do not put your feet down for ANY reason blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. But on Sunday she freaked out. I asked her what happened and she said she wasn't scared to fall she was scared that our helmets would hit the other riders helmet. Here are the details: as we were in the turn she saw the oncoming rider. for some strange reason she decided to dismount the bike to the right. somebody jumping off your bike causes two things to happen: 1 you start to wonder what happened???, and you may even try to catch that person 2 the force of her pushing off the bike causes the bike to lean in that direction. Since i was already leaning, this caused me to lean even harder. at this point pegs were on the ground and my angle was changing quickly, i barely missed some other rider in the wrong lane and my mind was not moving as fast as the shi* around me. I could either stay on the bike and follow it into the other lane against oncoming traffic (hope to get controll) or let it drop and hope it stays on the cliff. now that you know the whole thing, what would you have done? when it felt like she was straightening the bike she was really trying to get off of it. I asked her today again what was she thinking and she says she had no idea she just panicked. OH i'm also looking for a new stock muffler left side if anyone is selling let me know.

[This message has been edited by Ambush (edited 14 August 2000).]

Don't blame the girl dude - you messed up.

1) Don't ride those roads after 10 AM. I grew up in Saratoga and everybody learns to stay away when 9, Skyline, and 84 get busy and the bikers start to appear.
1a) If you do, expect people to cross the double yellow coming at you.
2) Riding fast into a blind turn is suicide on those roads (I've seen tourists PARKED IN THE ROAD taking a picture of a Deer on a blind Right Hander - the whole family was milling about with the car doors open (kids, grandma, dad, mom) - can you say brakes ?
3) Don't carry passengers you're trying to impress (You weren't trying to impress ? - then why was she on the bike ? - be honest now)
4) The Yahoos who ride sport bikes on those roads (out of control) are exactly the kind of poeple who give us a bad name. I hope the police close those roads to Motorcycles. These SQUIDS are irresponsible and dangerous idiots who have neither the maturity nor the judgement to operate a high perfromance machine.

Sorry to take my anger out on you, but people like my mom live up there. She is terrified to drive that road because of jerks on sport bikes who are too cheap to go to a track. Its why I flamed at c_rod for bragging about crossing the double yellow.

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 14 August 2000).]
Here is an example of the kind of vocal opposition coming from the local residents. It was written by 6 families that live 3 miles from my folks place.

Two of the more compelling sections:

"In the last 10 years, we have had nine motorcycle wrecks right in our own driveway, two of them fatal. We and our children are in grave danger every time we enter or exit our driveway, and even when we go to check our mailbox. Those who use the road every day have all been intimidated and have had close encounters with racers."

" This occurs all day and into the evenings, every Saturday and Sunday! Add to this the havoc and noise of traffic jams, road closures, sirens, helicopters and loudspeakers. Consider also the impact on others involved in these accidents and of course, the carnage. Both my children witnessed fatal motorcycle accidents before they were 10 years old. "

[This message has been edited by CaveDweller (edited 14 August 2000).]
that's right, I dropped it. the good news is that there is NO damage to the bike. not a scatch. My jacket and helmot are all fu**ed up, and i wont be riding for a couple of days, but i should be back up by next week. How was it for the rest of you?