Sunday Spin 2/8 Durham area 2PMish

el stumpo

Hey Guys,
Sip and TommyGunn tell me they are going riding on Sunday. Anyone else up for a Sunday Spin in the RTP area?

(Of course we don't have to stay in the RTP area.....)
Not going to make this one Peter. Sounds like a great time as usual. Be safe and enjoy.:beerchug:
We'll get together sometime Sean.... Be nice to get a ride in with you Southern NC guys :)

BTW - check your computer, I think it has bugs in it ;)
I'll give a tentative yes on this (gotta talk to the wife, so I should have a definitive answer tomorrow). Whereabouts are you guys meeting?

Southpoint sounds good, as for cheap eats, middle of road prices on the restaurants unless we go inside to the food court. Chic-fillet, burger, chinese stands..ect..ect. Let me know when to be there. Instead of everyone riding around looking for everyone else, behind the mall, lower Sears parking area by planet smoothy and Bose store is a good spot to meet.
How about Tomato Jakes at 2PM? It is between Target and the mall and we can watch the lot while inside? It's across Home Goods.

I know the area next to Sears, but there is rarely parking and they will ask us to move.

Loomis might be able to make it.

TommyGunn - bring your friends, that's cool.. not like we'll do any crazy riding :whistle:
How about Tomato Jakes at 2PM? It is between Target and the mall and we can watch the lot while inside? It's across Home Goods.

I know the area next to Sears, but there is rarely parking and they will ask us to move.

Loomis might be able to make it.

TommyGunn - bring your friends, that's cool.. not like we'll do any crazy riding :whistle:

ill have anywhere from 3 to 10 other bikes with me... anyway we could meet up earlier? i have to be back at the house by 3:30.. they were wanting to start riding around 10am
Tommy - I can free myself up I think. What time do you want to meet at Tomato Jakes? If you start down where you are around 10, I'd guess about 10:30? Sound good?

Dave - will you be able to make it to?

Looks like it's going to be close to 70 on Sunday! :thumbsup:
Sip came up with an idea to go backroads from Southpoint to Orange County (I85 area) up around Rougemont (We'll wave Joe!) to Bahama, back through Durham. He'll try to get a map up tonight.
Not too sure about the morning...I'll have to post back tomorrow with a definitive answer. But I will let you know...

The backroads thing sounds sweet, especially if we hit old NC 10 (lots of twisties). Also in N. Durham there's old oxford highway (towards Butner), orange factory, got a few nice turns in 'em...
Also, if there's any interest to go down towards Jordan Lake, there's a couple of decent switchbacks there.
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