Sweet 750 on the chopping block


Family finances won't allow me to keep her. Look at how sweet she is...I am sick to my stomach..I craig listed her tonight...Like loosing a mistress:laugh:

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o man i wish i had the cash to take it off your hands brother. it's too bad, you just got that little beastie last year.
Well, since it had the piss raced out of it, I will offer $2000 right now.:thumbsup: OK, OK, I have no money.......
AFM races this weekend @ Thunderhill. You should bring it up and parade it around the paddock. Might get some interest.
just the suspension is probably worth 5k alan. take it to the races man, someone will buy it.
Basically, hard to support two bikes and all of the other stuff like vacations, car, truck, guns, and Max the German Shephard..He really gets excited about the bike stuff as you can see by his private arm and is very protective of the bike stuff. So, I must sacrifice these things...like they say..."it is the hell served up for breakfast that is hard to take"...maybe it won't sell and I can track it w/o the wife putting insane pressure on me...snicker

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