Tail Light Kit


Clear Alternatives finally makes a whole integrated unit (brake/turn) kit(not the led bulbs and clear lens).. for a busa. Yay!!! The question i have is anyone know where i can get them from besides CA? They are a little pricey straight from them.Thanks...Joey

Also anyone using this kit and how do you like it?
Ok,I found the previous post on the led integrated kit by CA, if anyone has it ordered could they post pics of the LED Board and the wires and connectors attached to it? I would like to purchase one but CA does not have a photo of it on their website.

Thanks Joey
Check out the UFO taillight kit from http://www.hightechspeed.com/products/98-SUZ-BUSA/index.shtml

It's very sweeet! It's animated and VERY bright! Some of my regular ride buddies hate following me because of mine. It has an insane number of pattern choices. Their customer service is great. I had one for a ZR-7. I hadn't installed it before I got the Busa, so I called them to se if I could exchange it. They said if I hadn't installed it yet, sure.

Cars stop a few feet further behind me now. I use kind of a "Knight Rider" (I'm really dating myself now) pattern for my running light. For the brake I have a rapid pulsing pattern (again very bright and visible). I have the corners of the taillight blink with my turn signals (adds to the effect). You could use it as an integrator if you wanted, but it may cause your turns to blink too rapidly.

Did I say I really like it?

It's the best $165 safety investment I've made on Diablobusa.
Got any pictures? I know it wont do justice for the brightness but I'd like to see the turn signal part you are talking about. Can you put a clear lens on with this?
That is freakin awesome! Thanks, I'll add this to my list too. By the time I sell my 600 to get the busa I'll need another 3,000 for accessories
Some people will be so facinated with your tail light, that your bike may be the only thing they notice!

I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
But I know they see me!
Some people will be so facinated with your tail light, that your bike may be the only thing they notice!

I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
But I know they see me!
That's what I want, to be noticed when I'm on the road. BTW I sold my 600 today, so the Hayabusa is around the corner.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

I know people see me. I have a red 04' LE, and I wear yellow/black clothing and helmet. The legally blind can still see that I'm there! (they just won't know what I'm riding)


Hey Furball:

These are vids for the UFO taillight. They show one pattern at a time. Once without brake and one with brake for the turn signals. You can choose any 1 of the shown patterns, or use stock mode (default).

You select the brake pattern, the turn pattern and the running lights seperately. I think mine were setup like this:

Brake - 3
Running - 5
Turn - 3

You can change them anytime you want by using the buttons on the control module.

You have 1 plug to disconnect to completely shut off the taillight if you want to hit the track (plus taping the plastic and glass parts). You don't have to clean the sticky stuff off of the lens because it won't get hot.


Reason for Edit: "Fat Finger Syndrome???"|1105550709 -->
That UFO kit is pretty sweet...I didn't even know they had something like that...I guess I jumped the gun on my LED light....
I just put the Clear Alternatives kit on my bike, looks great and works perfect!! You will need to use the supplied ceramic transistors,10olms I think, since you are drawing considerable less current, they will blink too fast, so you need to use the two supplied transistors.:)
Why use the ceramic resistors? I kinda like the fact they blink at a rapid rate... maybe a few more of those brain-dead car drivers will notice a yellow LED winking more rapidly that a standard-rate turn signal.
Because if you dont use the resisters they supply the turn signals look green because they are flashing at a high rate and they dont light at their full brightness.They are 100% more visible using the resistors.
You were correct. I hooked up the resistors last night and wow what a difference. And it only took a few extra minutes to get everything soldered in the correct sequence. Thanks.