Tail light mod.

Bruce Bell

I did the stock tail mod on my bike. Looks good, the turn signal are gone so now I have to get a integrated brake/ turn signal light. I like the stock light look. Is there a integrated brake/ turn signal out there that fit right in the stock slot? Is there a mod you can do to a stock tail light to add signals to? Or any ideas I can do. Thanks
Got it in July. Unfortunately, the R/H side LED's have stopped working, but I contacted the seller and he is sending me another one, with great assurances that it shouldn't have happened.
It's waaaaayyyyy brighter than the stock taillight.
Yes there are,better check where the leds are being made.longer lasting durability is a must follwed by good QC
So true.

These are good: HAYABUSA LED Tail Lights 1999-2006
Pricey, but you get what you pay for, eh?

I have that same one that i bought to replace my ClearAlternatives one when it lost half its lights. I only paid $79 and cant find where i bought it. I have since been sent a replacement for my CA integrated and have this one as a spare. It is a completely sealed unit and looks good, but has half the lights in it that my CA one does.

I have heard that ClearAlternatives has one out of biz, but i have not confirmed that.

This thread should point you in the right direction. I used the info from that thread and ones it points to when modding my tail light.

I cut out a piece of sheet metal and made a divider for my stock tail light so the light is more divided and makes the flashing on just one side possible. It's attached with JB weld.

The side not flashing acts as the brake light, if no flashers are on both lights are the brake light.

I also used some trailer marker lights as amber signals, but you shouldn't need to.

This is the divider

Sorry it's sideways but here is the flasher in action on a stock tail light with the trailer wire harness.

4690b5af.mp4 video by Nytrid - Photobucket

Or you could save yourself the headache and just buy one. Which looking back on it, is maybe what I should have done. However my bulbs are still really easy to change.
I did the stock tail mod on my bike. Looks good, the turn signal are gone so now I have to get a integrated brake/ turn signal light. I like the stock light look. Is there a integrated brake/ turn signal out there that fit right in the stock slot? Is there a mod you can do to a stock tail light to add signals to? Or any ideas I can do. Thanks

If the factory gen1 has 2 bulbs in it you can integrate a siganl for each bulb to flash individually(I can't remember what's inside of those). Buy a generic trailer hitch wiring harness for around $15 at any auto parts store. Use the left and right signal labels on the box to know which signal on the bike it goes, it's really simple. Sorry you can't read them in the picture, the key is in the picture for size reference. The box is very thin too, it will fit in many places under the tail or seat, depending only on how far you run the wires. Most boxes have over a foot and half of wire on each side. It works well and is an old, old trick.


This thread should point you in the right direction. I used the info from that thread and ones it points to when modding my tail light.

I cut out a piece of sheet metal and made a divider for my stock tail light so the light is more divided and makes the flashing on just one side possible. It's attached with JB weld.

The side not flashing acts as the brake light, if no flashers are on both lights are the brake light.

I also used some trailer marker lights as amber signals, but you shouldn't need to.

This is the divider

Sorry it's sideways but here is the flasher in action on a sock tail light with the trailer wire harness.

4690b5af.mp4 video by Nytrid - Photobucket

Or you could save yourself the headache and just buy one. Which looking back on it, is maybe what I should have done.

The divider is a good idea too, they work well and the signals are more distinguishable:thumbsup: