Taking bets..


well Jessica and my mom are.

I have to climb up 2 trees on Monday to knock some limbs down.. Both tres are over 60ft tall, and i will be 45ft up..

The bet is how many times I will bounce when I fall out of the thing.

Mom has 2
Jess has " one big splat"
Stihl 250 saw, climbing spikes, 2 yes 2 flip lines and a new harness. Oh and a helmet ear mufs and a face shield
I say it could be pretty high depending on how many parts you come down in. A head by itself could bounce 3 or 5 times. How sharp is that chain?:whistle:
Watch out for bees - & if you hang up by a leg on the way down - I win. But try not to hang up to high where they can't get you down, especially if you're in a cloud of bees.
What no beer?! Everybody knows you gotta have beer when you're climbing trees and using a chainsaw. That and it'll make the landing not feel so bad. :laugh:

I'll give ya one bounce.
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hey they say drunks do pretty good in car crashes... wonder if that applies to drunks "flying" as well :rofl: