Tales of a Road Trip (Travelogue)

Great write up Scar! It was such a great pleasure to meet you! Anytime your this way my friend you will always have a place to stay.:thumbsup:

Oh, and I forgot to warn you about the road conditions in Louisiana, my bad. They are something awful from state line to state line.

One more thing........ that orangutan scares the heck outta me!:laugh:

Thanks, Dawn! Great fun... Billy (the orangutan) is way less frightening than the bug named Arnold. :rofl:

My deepest gratitude for your hospitality! :beerchug:
So, as it was...a fantastic trip.

Opportunities to grip the hands of people I've only corresponded with on-line over these couple of years...getting together and looking you in the eyes, smiling with the history of our interactions, and hugging brothers and sisters.

Who could ask for more?

For everything everyone has done for and with me during this two-week period, one of you clearly stands out as someone who deserves a very special thanks.

Mojo...my brother...

Words cannot describe how lucky I am to know you.

Twice now, you've given me the key to your 'bus so that I can participate in riding activities when I come to Oklahoma to visit. I don't think I need to say any more than that for others to see the depth of your generosity and the lengths you went to--to ensure that I enjoyed myself there.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It hardly seems enough, but it's the best that can be said at this time.

One day, I will be able to respond in-kind when you come to San Diego and I take you through all the SoCal mountains on whichever of my 'busas you choose. I know it's not a requirement, but it'd be my honor.

Until then, though...THANK YOU.

Man of the Hour... :beerchug:

Thanks for posting the pics and stories of your trip. :thumbsup:
Glad you got to meet so many great members, I am jealous.

Mojo, That is most generous of you and I think we can all appreciate the gesture of kindness you put forth. :beerchug: MOY in my book.

Nice thread scar. How great is it that wherever an orgster travels, there are great people to share food, drink, and a ride with. Mojo is a good man, Mary and I enjoyed his company so much in Arkansas. Hope to meet up with you somewhere this year scar!:thumbsup:
i'm glad your trip went off without any problems, it appears you had a great time and got to hang out with a lot of awesome people on the return trip! thanks for sharing all the pics and for the excellent write-up :beerchug:
Hal & Semi...you guys have nailed it.

Among the most fortunate of us is he (or she) who can get out and meet these folks...

Be it the Bash, the Stampede, Eureka Springs or any regional meet-up for a ride or for a cool, refreshing beverage, you are absolutely guaranteed meeting fantastic people...all on the .oRg's account.

No question about it. We are a unique family. :beerchug:
Great write-up Scar. That booth is incredible. Way to go all out!
Wag; Holy bearded chins! How long has that been growing?
You are a lucky man Scar. Count your blessings! OUT!
Besides the great pics, your connection to all those folks makes me feel pretty darn good about having the .ORG icon on my desktop! I said it a couple of years ago and I still mean it.....you really are the .ORG ambassador!
Lookin forward to the STAMPEDE and possibly a 4 dayer to San Diego in July.
No such thing as having too many friends Scar.
Looks like it was a really good trip and a good show as well. That was a good looking booth too! Looking forward to riding this weekend if I am home. :thumbsup:
Besides the great pics, your connection to all those folks makes me feel pretty darn good about having the .ORG icon on my desktop! I said it a couple of years ago and I still mean it.....you really are the .ORG ambassador!
Lookin forward to the STAMPEDE and possibly a 4 dayer to San Diego in July.
No such thing as having too many friends Scar.

Great news, Doyle.

Thanks for the props, and the news about your potential trip to SanDog. Keep me posted and I'll schedule myself around your visit.

I'll send the red carpet to the cleaners sometime in June in advance of your arrival.

What a great trip! Great people! Great times! Good pictures! Enjoyable read!:beerchug::thumbsup:

Well, thanks very much!

I just arrived in San Diego...so it's official...the trip is over! :beerchug:


Seriously...coast to coast.

Thanks again, everyone. :beerchug:
Well, thanks very much!

I just arrived in San Diego...so it's official...the trip is over! :beerchug:


Seriously...coast to coast.

Thanks again, everyone. :beerchug:

Bout Dad Gum Time!!!!!!!!! Yahoon

I keeeel You Now!
Ok Scar I am glad you had a great trip.

I will also promise you this. Next time we cross paths one of us will remember to bring a camera. :rofl: :poke: just a good thing Warp10 was there to save the day.
Ok Scar I am glad you had a great trip.

I will also promise you this. Next time we cross paths one of us will remember to bring a camera. :rofl: :poke: just a good thing Warp10 was there to save the day.

I know, eh? Good job, Ken!

We really could have done SO much better than those crappy pics! :rofl:
We spent an enjoyable evening together, with NanWags (wife of Wag) and Fred, her father, listening to Wag entertain us with classical piano.

Very, very nice! I'm honored that you'd do that for me, Wag. What a great friend.

I'm glad to have been able to meet you, as well, and look forward to our planned weekend-excursion in to the NM twisties. An introduction for me, to be sure.


Thank you for everything! I really enjoyed myself at your place.


I'd know that fridge anywhere....
I bet there is Guiness behind that door:whistle:

Great PPL!!!
Scar, Looks like you had a blast and met up with some great friends.

Lou and Nan, whom I had the honor of meeting a couple of years ago, are top notch people. You really need to join them on the NM ride.

Of course we know how Capn and Mrs Capn are generous host and hostess.

..and looks like the eastern folks are just a grand.
Thanks for sharing. I wished I would have known. You should have texted me. I would have come out to meet you also. That's twice now that we missed meeting. Maybe next year we'll try to make it out to the stampede. :thumbsup: