Tank Slapper from Hell!!!!!!


Ow! That musta hurt! If he only could have nailed the throttle and pulled a smallish wheelie I think it would have come out of it. I'm sure all he was thinking was about hanging on. Do you think the same?
I remember watching this live on TV when it happened and you can try to get out of a tank slapper by wacking the throttle open but I'm sure your minds goes blank when it starts to happen.
Am I mistaken or do I remember reading somewhere that steering dampers donot prevent tank slappers??

I'll try and dig that out
I seem to remember its all about wobble and weave, and they are both diferent caused by totally different things

Now where was that.........this could take a while, like 3 days!!


[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 15 July 2000).]