
I have a 200 busa with about 8000 miles on it. It is making a tapping noice around 3 grand and the oil light is blinking when i pull in the clutch. There is oil in the bike....any suggestions..i dont want to take it to the shop and it turn out to be something I can do myself....OILPUMP maybe? I hope is isnt gettin ready to throw a rod.
first thing i will do mechanical oil pressure test. remove your oil pressure sendor which is located at the bottom right side of the bike under the fairing, check you oil pressure. that is the first step. i know you said you have oil in the bike, but when was the last time you change the oil & the filter?
could that be the cuase of the noise if the oil hasnt been changed in a while...becuase its been about 2000 mile...i know that is bad
well...i changed the oil and there is still tapping....could it be the Cam Chain Tensioner making that noise...im scheduled to get that replaced in a couple of weeks...should I replace the oil pump before that...
throwing parts will not fix your problem bro, why your oil light is coming on? you need to check your oil pressure. that is the first step you HAVE to do.