Tech question?


I do my own services but am unfamiliar with the fork maintenance that needs to be done and there is nothing in the manual about it. What do you need to do to maintain them properly? Also how do you lube them and the steering damper? What kind of oil? Thanks for the help guys
My un proffesional opinion is......

Nothing. There is no real maintenance to them. Forks or damper. After some miles, the bushings in them could become worn, and fork seals can start to leak. But its not generally somthing I would mess with unless there was a problem. I have rebuilt a set of forks that had a bent tube, and changed the oil in my r1's damper. Neither was very difficult. However, I definatly believe that any extra fuggin around with them you do, will open a possibility of problems.

Gentlemen, if I am out of line, feel free to give your thoughts.
my understanding is that you should have the oil and seals replaced every 2 years. same goes for the damper. as for cleaning them i use some WD-40 to wipe down the shaft.
I am with ononewheel... Don't do anything unless they start to go out. If they go, have them redone... They are cheap to have redone as well.... <200


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I change my fork oil every 2 years. Ohlins suggests changing every year. FYI!
I know on dirtbikes it is every 20 hours but I would have the pro's with the right tools to do them. Oil levels need to be perfect and you have to make sure their everything is done right or you will have a poor handling suspension.
I'm sure there has to be some sort of standard. Any oil, fork, engine, etc. loses viscosity over time. Especially with the introduction of contaminates. Which would be why you have more problems when you mess with them. Suzuki has some mileage or time recommendation.
I changed mine today and never got 16 ozs out of them..I filled them with 16 oz per leg and they feel better..
I hear aftermarket steering dampers should be rebuilt every 2 seasons, at least. Should be done ONLY by the manufacturer. My 08 has never beed touched.

IMO, the busa is not going to need a damper nearly as much as the smaller bikes. BUT, when it comes to discussion about dampers the same comment is always made as when talking protective gear: "You never know when you need need it until you you need it."

Anyone ever had their OEM steering damper serviced?
Manual doesn't state anything for the fork other than an "inspect and repair as needed" time. I changed the springs in mine at about 2000 miles, which required fresh fork oil. Stuff that came out was pretty nasty from the fork internals wearing in. Had a seal start leaking summer before last, requiring new fork oil again. Stuff that came out that time wasn't nearly as bad as the first batch.
I'd say it needs to be changed at least once early on in the bike's life, after that it's up to you. The dirt bikes get new fork oil every other year regardless, but your dealing with 12" of very much used travel instead of the Busa's little used 5".
Hi, Tom (Rook from over on Ninjaforums).

What about the steering damper?? Anyone ever have their OEM damper serviced??
If you want your forks to function properly, you should change the oil (I'd recommed new oil seals as well) every two years. Same goes for brakes. Flush the fluid from the brakes with new Dot 4 high temp brake fluid every 24 months for street use. Ever 12 months for track use.
Hi, Tom (Rook from over on Ninjaforums).

What about the steering damper?? Anyone ever have their OEM damper serviced??

Bout the only thing I've seen mentioned with the damper was sometimes folks put heavier oil in them when they do the +1" links. Raise the rear of the bike, steepen the rake (and I believe also shorten the trail) making the bike more unstable and prone to head shake, so you use heavier oil in the damper to try to quell the wiggles.. But as for changing it for the sake of, no. Probably wouldn't hurt anything though.