

I was riding my bike and i noticed that around 110mpg and 115mpg my bike would give me a hold and go type of feel. like its trying so hard to go faster. then after i hold the clutch in for a second and let it go, it would finally continue on. but would do it again frequently. Then i noticed that when my bike would get around 3 or 4 grand it would sputter and it would run like its skipping and then the FI light would come on. cut the bike off and restart it FI light is gone till it gets to 3 grand.
I've cut the bike off while in motion to stop seeing the FI light. If i keep the bike 5 grand or higher the FI light doesn't come on. Runs like a champ when the bike is cold, but soon as it gets warmed up I get the hold and go motion. It's really pissing me off because I've done almost everything from changing the #2 coil and injector to changing the O-rings in the fuel pump. I'm running out of time and money on this bike. It's a 99 busa with the 4 in 1 yosh. I have a ems system on it.
one person told me that it might be my cam posistion sensor and another told me to check my kick stand. the FI code says C-02. Somebody please help me b-4 I trash this bike. I love this bike, but i know love hurts. Peace & thank you'al in advance!!!!
fuel pump may be going out or you have an electrical issue but i would lean towards your fuel pump... if its the original and you have alot of miles then i would get it checked...
Did you change the fuel filter