Tell me what you think

After a long wait, I have finally got my Bike back, and she is mint. Had a little run in with the back of a Subaru Forester on the way home 45mph back in May, Just got her back wanted to share her with everyone. Let me know what you think

wreck 1.jpg

wreck 2.jpg





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Wanted to add much thanks to Ball Z motorsports for the accessories, Myrtle West Customs for the swingarm and wheels, and mostly to Arlington Motorsports Chris Monk for the expert installation.
first couple of pics made me want to cry but upgrades look great :beerchug:
man that looks nice....Always good sto see em come out better then they went in.
nice job man, but what every you do, DO NOT count on the mirrors for anything, you're gonna get hurt cuz you can't see squat out of them
Either then that, nice touch indeed, I like
