cam chain tensioner and subframe. am I concerned about these two things? yes. what can you do? read on.
well, in spite of my local dealer and some of the guys on this board telling me I have nothing to worry about, regarding the tensioner adjuster, I have to keep in mind that there are some great guys on this website, who have shared lessons that they have learned the 'hard way' (Tom McQueen, etc. etc.). And if I don't listen to those lessons and act on them then maybe I am a fool.
So my APE tensioner arrived today and I am going to have the shop put it in. Issue #1 resolved.
As far as the subframe issue is concerned, I plan on doing three things. First, follow up with Suzuki (Suzuki is not returning the dealer's call on this issue. NOT GOOD.) Second, I will order the aircraft cable that Gary Evans has described in one of his posts (yes, unfortunately I had to go to LABusas to get this info - but the info Gary has put there is very good. DP is probably smiling now.). Third, talk to Suzuki Canada myself since they aren't calling the dealer back. If in doubt escalate, politely.
Like bigpapa and DaveD say, this is a great two person bike, but you can't take a risk with your wife on the back even if that risk is small. You have to do something about it. For now, I will ride alone while I am working the subframe issue with Suzuki and trying to get a safety wire backup in place.
Does this suck? Big time. Why am I driving a tank if the frame can break? Good question. I may as well drive a liter bike.
But you need to take responsibility for the things you can do something about, and that includes using the information that some really good guys have posted on this board. Even if that information isn't happy news.