texasfairing pix ?


Speed check your email.

There are a couple of bonus pictures as well of the Espace/ROCA Hayabusa from the Paris 2000 show.

Has anyone posted their texasfairing pix anywhere? I am curious as to what it looks like. I think I saw one here in texas but havent seen that guy since. IT only covers up that reflector under the tail light right ?

It is equivalent to cutting off the mudflap portion of the stock finder .. right?

The reason I ask is that I am working on my version of eliminator that eliminates everything hanging below the painted body work. It going kinda slow because I am learning how to fibergl*** at the same time :) I have way to much free time. I already have my mold made and the first one I didnt use enough fiber sheet and it busted up on me :( but I think I know what i did wrong.. rev2 should be done this weekend for my buddy.

If anyone posts any pix please let me know.

[This message has been edited by speed (edited 08 October 1999).]