Thanks to Bird Hunter and Hayadoin!!!



Thank you Dale and Mike!!!

These two guys showed up today and helped me get it done!
Bird Hunter came from quite a distance I might add...
Two standup guys!
Thanks again Dale and Mike, and please call on me if I can ever be of assistance!
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Yup. It's all in here. It's amazing how much the stuff multiplied as it came out of the storage unit. My place is so full of boxes there's barely room to fart.

Yes, I did just say that. :laugh:

But of course, I don't do anything so unladylike, so no problem.

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Lisa, It was a pleasure meeting you and Mike both !!.. Glad we were able to get it all done today and good luck with the unpacking/organizing... :beerchug:
I wish you all the luck with your new apartment and getting organized. You sure do have a lot of work to do. It was really nice to meet you and Bird Hunter (Dale). Sorry I couldn't go for lunch with you guys.
As I said before leaving, I will try to make it to Reno next summer. I'm going to look at the detail's now. Take Care...... :hello:
Props for standin' up, fellaz. Nicely done...true .oRg fashion.


:beerchug: :bowdown: :beerchug:
OMG where are my manners! I am so grateful to you guys that I forgot to say what a pleasure it was to meet both of you! Two fine gentlemen who make the org what it is - a fine example of the best of America - good people with that home town spirit!

As for me and unpacking and getting organized, that's going to have to wait awhile as I'm down for the count with my busted knee iced and elevated. Now that I'm done with re-locating I can give it a chance to heal.

I look forward to running into you guys at the Stampede this July in Reno!
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