The carpool lane


Donating Member
Just recently, the DOT opened up a new carpool lane, extending almost the entire length of my commute. It's been a godsend allowing me to feel much more relaxed when I have a lane almost entirely to myself.

However I've noticed these problems.

People using the carpool lane when they aren't supposed to, usually impeding my flow along the lane. So far I have seen no LEO enforcement of the lane, and this sucks, because plenty of older folks that think it's personal lane for their Cadillacs.

Also, people who use the lane "legally" but don't use it right. I use the carpool lane because I'm a motorcyclist. I worry less about traffic, and generally it's safer. Others use it for the novelty of the thing, and usually go the exact same speed as all the other traffic, even when things get congested and slow, making it impossible to pass them. Always frustrating when you see miles of open road ahead of you, and some minivan with 5 kids going 45 miles robbing you from your reward.

Sigh, I know this is basically a useless post, but I wanted to vent. I suppose there's no having your cake and eating it too.
You can lick the bowl the batter was in though!  It's new...give it time and LE will be all over it. (especially if you go tattle)  
No I hear you and feel your pain man, the worst here is when the car full of Morons being driven by Papa Moron are in the left lane going five under the limit when there is an empty HOV lane ready for them one lane over. This makes me insane when driving alone... SO yeah, you pass in the carpool because dickweed is ignorant, and then get a little letter in the mail because someone dialed 1-888-HERO... Yeah, You're a HERO big Guy...

But yeah, mopst of time I feel the HOV is pretty nice on the bike.

I feel SOOO bad for you. No really I do. At least here in California, we can split lanes, even in the carpool lane (we're not suppose to cross that double yellow though, but I've seen cops, and rode with cops that tolerate it and practice it themselves).

Since you can't split lanes where you're at, the car pool lane would be the WORST place for you to be in congestion. You're stuck, can't move. Going as fast and as far as the person in front of you would allow. I believe.
Just be careful of the occasional idiot who decides to pull into the HOV lane from his lane that is doing 20 while you approach at the speed limit, or higher in my case... it is a daily occurance here, for this reason I ride as close to the far left line as possible.....:angry:
I so agree..... I have HOV on 16 miles of the total of 18 to my work place... LEOs all over it... 95 bucks for violation.... Huge revenue for locals...

Probably the only time when I actually happy to see cops on the road...