The heat is on Iran now...

How long will it be before some sort of military action is taken

  • Within 90 days by USA/Nato

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Within 90 days by Israel

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Within 6 mos by USA/Nato

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Within 6 Mos by Israel

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • In a yr or more by either of above

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • After sanctions fail, 10yrs from now when its too late

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Never , this is all hype same as WMDs we never found in Iraq

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters

Blanca BusaLess

Suffers from PBSD
Donating Member
Even Fox news is reporting for the last two days Iran now has ability to produce a nuclear device.
With this in mind and not wanting this thread to get too polluted with race religion and politics I wanted to start a poll and ask you guys a question.
Feel free to justify your comments but please keep them polite.
If you want Iran gone fine then say it nicely.

How long do you think it will be before USA or Israel take preventive measure and bomb these facilities ?
There are other choices as well. Multiple choice is allowed as well.

Just curious...

I think it soon with permission per say by us but not by us...
I was surprised Israel didn't do it after Obama was elected but before he took office. Perfect time for the US to claim plausabile deniability. We won't do it but Israel will.

Now that the CIA's got that Iranian defector nuclear scientist we'll have all the proof we need of what they are up to. Peaceful intentions my azz...
I was surprised Israel didn't do it after Obama was elected but before he took office. Perfect time for the US to claim plausabile deniability. We won't do it but Israel will.

Now that the CIA's got that Iranian defector nuclear scientist we'll have all the proof we need of what they are up to. Peaceful intentions my azz...

Skydivr that scientist you refer to defected last summer.
He has been in our possesion for almost a yr now.

It is a shameless promotion by the White House to make it look like they have done something recently. Period.

ps..Iran still says he was kidnapped. They never have in the past had probs admitting folks defected but say he was taken. ???
think about the last couple of weeks.....

the supposed rift between Isreal and the US, it is just a way to separate us and insolate us a little from the backlash of the impending Israeli attack.

i thought that Iran was going to have a new air defense system up and running in the summer, which make it much more costly (lives & equipment) to wait.

regardless of your politics, you have to admit that Israel cannot allow Iran to have nuclear weapons.
Israel cannot allow Iran to have nuclear weapons.

I agree with you to point.
Both are shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to each other.
And yes Iran is more vocal on their hatred of Israel than vice versa but can you not see it for a millisecond from the Iranians POV ?
Is it not a bit Hippocritical for USA to give Israel Nukes rightfully to defend themselves and allow them nuclear power reactors but then to tell Iran they have no right to same aspirations.

Again not arguing politics and I know its a bit if not imp to separate the two but it is a double standard.
Of course the chances of tech falling into wrong hands is greater on Irans part.
Let Israel give us back the 43 nuclear warheads we have given them and then yes I will 100% agree nobody but nobody should have the power in that area.

Your point about the rift may be valid.
A little deception campaign.

I tend to think it real cuz today we asked them for a 4 month freeze on construction as a sign of good faith.
I think their response was they will get back to us in 5 months...:rofl:
maybe it is real....

I can see Israel wanting to move, but Obama trying to keep the peace.

I am actually more concerned with a "dirty bomb" showing up somewhere, than an actual thermo-nuclear war.
You lose me at Fox News reports...

That said it is MHO that the guy is perhaps the most insane leader on the planet. He must be stopped. I wish we could find a way to take him out with one bullet. Iran is nothing like Irag. As you know they are larger more powerful the Iraq and the people are good and looking to move ahead into the main stream progressive world. We cannot afford another war but yes he MUST be stopped. I hope must of us agree.
never by this administration. however Israel will take care of it i think when they know that that final line has been crossed. They will do every ones dirty work. jmo