The hour is nigh! Leaving tomorrow! To hoon Or Not to Hoon!


Foghoon Leghoon
Donating Member
I head north (not to Alaska) Tuesday at 4:30p for Reno Nevada and the Busa Stampede!

I am very hyped and hope I can sleep tonight, because it will be the longest single ride I have ever done.

Bike is prepped and has new shoes!

But one dilemma, Camera or Computer, They can't both go! :(

I have limited space and can only take one! :banghead:

If I take the camera, I get shots and can't post em till after, not much fun there.

Take the computer and I can't take pics of the event, what a sad clown would I be?

So I may just stay home and Photo-chop a bunch of fake pics and make it look like I went and had a good time.
It's much easier than sitting on a bike for 6 hrs and then the drudgery of having to ride around with a bunch of strange Busa owners I have never met, and then getting to know them, Jeez, sounds like a lot of work to me.
This is so much easier, and I can not worry about disappointing anyone!

I am still debating the issue.

What do you think I should do?

Still have a few hours to decide, so let me know soon!

To hoon or not to hoon!
YES ! Absolutely CAMERA!!!

Hooners will all be there and you will need photo evidence! :cool:
hmm, Bubba... camera.... Bubba.... camera..... :poke: (get the hint)

hell if you want em both, fedex yourself the computer to the hotel :laugh: but the camera isnt optional, especially with the quality pix you take, geeze, there's no way the camera stays home... just make sure you take the dang charger for it and some extra memory cards :laugh: :moon: :laugh:
Okay camera comes and the computer maybe even too. I may just not pack any underwear, TMI I know!:laugh:

Head'in out!
I vote for the camera as well.

Oh, and don't forget to clean up all the "Hooness" before ya leave.:laugh:

Have fun and ride safe!
Can't wait to hear all about it!!! You guys and gals have a wonderful time at this year's Stampede!! :thumbsup:
Vote for camera too! Drive safe guys there is a jungle out there. My wife and I will praying for you guys for safe traveling mercies:thumbsup::thumbsup:

God bless!