Just wanted to start a thread to see how many folks on here have close calls with a cager. i ride to work everyday so im on the bike quite a bit more than just the average "ride for fun" guy.
However i find that at least twice a week some dumba** cager just....
1) makes me so mad i want to choke them out
2) makes me ride more aggressively than i want to
3) just shake my head
dont really know why i have the differing reactions i guess it just depends on what strikes me at the time.
here is what has happened to me in the past 2 weeks of riding to work.
1) had a guy coming off another highway not merge at all, not look, signal or anything come right into my lane.(cop saw him and pulled him over)
2) had a guy come up beside me, where his lane was ending, look me dead in the eye and whip right in front of me.(gave him a big 'ol thumbs up as i got the h*** out of there...fast)
3) had an idoit pull out right in front of me, off a side street and go about 10 miles an hour.(kicked at the side of her car as i passed)
btw, 2 & 3 happened on the same day.
sorry about the long rant but dam does anybody pay attention anymore or what?
ok lets hear em.
However i find that at least twice a week some dumba** cager just....
1) makes me so mad i want to choke them out
2) makes me ride more aggressively than i want to
3) just shake my head
dont really know why i have the differing reactions i guess it just depends on what strikes me at the time.
here is what has happened to me in the past 2 weeks of riding to work.
1) had a guy coming off another highway not merge at all, not look, signal or anything come right into my lane.(cop saw him and pulled him over)
2) had a guy come up beside me, where his lane was ending, look me dead in the eye and whip right in front of me.(gave him a big 'ol thumbs up as i got the h*** out of there...fast)
3) had an idoit pull out right in front of me, off a side street and go about 10 miles an hour.(kicked at the side of her car as i passed)
btw, 2 & 3 happened on the same day.
sorry about the long rant but dam does anybody pay attention anymore or what?
ok lets hear em.