The "Racing" I've been doing lately


Hayabusa Immortal
Staff member
Since I haven't been racing in a few years, this is having to take its place.
I've ran 15 half marathons so far this year. 4 of those have been in the last 2 weekends. Nothing fast, my goal is to just complete the race. Yesterday's was the best time I've had in the last 18 months, though.

13 miles , wow. Have you considered cycling. That crap is rough on the back and knees brother.
Awesome! I'm working my way up but I just hit a wall and stop running. I guess I need to just sigh up for a half as far in advance as possible. That way I'm working towards something.
Congrats again, its inspiring
From what I understand, those are just about as much mental as physical training! Congrats on your achievements.
TBB I have been working 6 days a week at my regular job, then playing Daddy for 2-3 hours with my daughter Linh after work (who is 5 months old now!), and been very busy working on the home in between baby sitting and mommy time. I havent rode in many many weeks! Just work, baby sit, work, work, work, baby sit!
13 miles , wow. Have you considered cycling. That crap is rough on the back and knees brother.

I have considered it, but I think the would determine that would be cheating! :) I'm trying to be careful. It would help if I would lose some weight to reduce the risk working on that but not too effectively.
From what I understand, those are just about as much mental as physical training! Congrats on your achievements.

The is no doubt there is a lot of mental consideration. You have to be pretty much CRAZY!

Seriously though, it is as much a mental challenge as a physical challenge. When I started a few years back I thought 1 mile was long run. I'm slow, and not much faster than a fast walk. I'm lucky to finish in 3 hours.
Awesome! I'm working my way up but I just hit a wall and stop running. I guess I need to just sigh up for a half as far in advance as possible. That way I'm working towards something.
Congrats again, its inspiring

Committing and signing up in advance does help. And having a peer group to join you helps quite a bit. I find it too easy to come up with an excuse not to run.

Be careful and work your way up to it. Get some profession help on shoe selection. Most don't understand the importance of it. I'm heavy enough that I kill shoes the way a busa goes through back tires. 200-300 miles and they start breaking down.
You know, you're making the rest of us look and feel really bad :laugh:

Great job though! Congrats!! :thumbsup: