Recently installed 6" bolt ons on my bike...The local track here is 1/8th...Prior to the bolt ons my best time was like a 6.81 with a 60' any where from 1.75 and above...Well with the bolt ons both times dropped although not consistent but something dor me to shoot for...6.50 with a 60' best 1.61...Actually ran 3, 6.50's...My problem was one of my better friends has a 12 and he's not confident riding on the track...So I was swapping from bike to bike...Made more passes on his bike than my own...Never had a chance to feel my bike as I had not been on it for about a month and 1/2...Anyway once I get the tire pressure correct and the bike hooks while swapping to 2nd and 3rd the consistent time should be better...I know I can run 6.40's and maybe dip into the 6.30's...So anyone that is thinking length...Yeah it works...