the worst dealer in WI

Pit Bull 13

Action power sports in Waukesha WI is a **** ass company. All my riders spread the word and do not ever shop there they are rude and mistreat there employees and ****ed me over. they bad mouthed Hayabusa's. I was told almost daily that they are N*>~er bikes by another employee and that only the brothers in Cleveland own them the manager just laughed. So I don't do well with racism or disrespect to other riders so please spread the word and boycott that **** ass place. I complained about it and they told me that I wasn't a good fit for it there but they were going to transfer me to fuel in West Bend So I call fuel in West Bend to find out there was no transfer I got f'ed over that way to. it's also a sexiest. job I complained about how they are favoring a girl co-worker gave her all a Ex-coworkers customers not spliting it up evenly like they said they were gonna do. she was late 3 times in 3 weeks and didnt get yelled at.. I was late once and got screamed at. and when they went to " transfer me " I asked what I did wrong and they looked me in the eye and said " Nothing"
I'm a little confused. So you worked there and they treated you like crap so instead of firing you, they told you they were going to transfer you? But the "transfer" was a lie? I'm not quite sure how that works
This is the same dealership that sold not one, but two M109Rs out from underneath me. And treated me like shiz the whole time. I told PitBull about it when he started working there that they were shady, and unfortunately all came true..

Anyone in that area needs to avoid that place.
Yeah, something tells me he was still peeved when he posted this. From what I gather of the ordeal (FB messaging) here's my version of the lowdown...

I'm not sure how it started out, but basically yes, one of the dealership's employee's told him point blank that Busa's are what he mentioned (I won't type it again) and they have no interest in dealing with Busa's or the crowd following them...
He went to management to complain, and management backed the position of the other employee.. From what I gather after that, the manager told him he just wasn't a good "fit" there. Then offered him a "transfer" to one of their other stores (they own 3 in S.E. WI) then he called that other dealership only to find out that this "transfer" was B.S. and he was basically fired.

Fired for standing up for what he believes in..
That is a shame. Feel bad for him. That is no way to treat people. Employees or customers. I have bought 2 sets of tires and 2 helmets there. Both times I was on the Busa. Wish they would have said something to me about the Busa and the people who ride them. Would have a been a real fun time.:laugh:
That is a shame. Feel bad for him. That is no way to treat people. Employees or customers. I have bought 2 sets of tires and 2 helmets there. Both times I was on the Busa. Wish they would have said something to me about the Busa and the people who ride them. Would have a been a real fun time.:laugh:
Who in their right mind is gonna act ignorant in your presence :laugh:
Wait a minute, you mean Busas aren't N-word bikes? :rofl:

Just kidding. That's too bad. I find most places are incompetent but usually bike people are decently cool. It's sad to hear of people running businesses that hate their clients.