Pit Bull 13
Action power sports in Waukesha WI is a **** ass company. All my riders spread the word and do not ever shop there they are rude and mistreat there employees and ****ed me over. they bad mouthed Hayabusa's. I was told almost daily that they are N*>~er bikes by another employee and that only the brothers in Cleveland own them the manager just laughed. So I don't do well with racism or disrespect to other riders so please spread the word and boycott that **** ass place. I complained about it and they told me that I wasn't a good fit for it there but they were going to transfer me to fuel in West Bend So I call fuel in West Bend to find out there was no transfer I got f'ed over that way to. it's also a sexiest. job I complained about how they are favoring a girl co-worker gave her all a Ex-coworkers customers not spliting it up evenly like they said they were gonna do. she was late 3 times in 3 weeks and didnt get yelled at.. I was late once and got screamed at. and when they went to " transfer me " I asked what I did wrong and they looked me in the eye and said " Nothing"