theological fight with parents


Donating Member
I was raised Christian, rebelled like a typical kid, was very scientific and logical and, then gave that up when I realised what a waste it is and recognized a God [larger power] in the universe that science didn't get. Background in a nutshell.

My folks are sort of head in sanders, not really keen on what I would call reality, but they are active in government etc etc and try to make things better. They fringe on being radical sometimes, short of bombing abortion clinics.

That said, we had a disagreement last night. What do ya think about it?

They claim a small minority of powerful and driven people are wrecking the government by working their way in and making laws that suit themsleves. [well, that's every government I've ever seen on this planet, but I digress] so, they spend much of their aged time WORRYING about that and are getting kinda mad that I am not worried about it to and trying to change it.

I'm apathetic towards goverment and all that crap and they don't like that... but I see it that majority WILL ALWAYS rule in the end. They say no.

I think that in any large group of people, those that ARE the majority WILL rule due to numbers and force. I say, when certian laws are voted in by a quiet minority serving their ends, and not ours, people will simply ignore those laws and that will be that. 5% of the governing people can not POSSIBLE arrest or execute the other 95% and keep things functional. It's simply impossible. People will always rise up when they have to. Maybe not if it's not really bothering them, but when it does affect them, they WILL pick up a shovel and clobber the law shoving idiots back to the stone age or their grave, whatever it takes.

What do you guys think?

Do you stay up nights worrying about the government and how minority groups are controlling the majority as the majority abides by being politically correct? I'm not worried about it at all. And although I'm not a violent guy, I'll pick up a shovel and use it, or die trying, believing that my beliefs are worth dieing for. Or what the heck is your life about anyway? Going whatever way the crowd pushes you?

Seems America is going where it is because too many of us majority types do nothing.... just like me. It's not really bugging me at all. The things that are important to me, God, family, friends then myself are fine. But when the time comes I'll do what I need to do.

and here's a music video to ponder while you think
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Interesting discussion. Laws are written with money, he who has the most wins. Big business outspends the private sector 17 to 1 on an average campaign. With that said, look at labor laws and the always controversial minimum wage. Companies will always try to defeat laws that increase pay. Americans are the most worked country in the modernized world. We also have the least time off. Some countries in Europe have required "holidays" with pay.
Lets look at NAFTA, we open our borders and give big business tax breaks for relocating overseas. There are a host of discussions within this realm, but to answer your question. I dont worry about things that happen in government, I read and try to educate myself and vote at the polls based on the information I have at the moment. The best candidate may not belong to my affiliated party, but what do you do. A person cold make themselves sick if they worried about everything that happens. Just my .02 cents.
WWJD, have you watched this video?

It may appear that what is going on in the Government today has no affect on your life but how do you think it may effect generations to come? I personally fear for my children & their childrens futures in this country, hell maybe I'm overreacting but I do find it odd that hundreds are extremely willing to share their opinions on which color Busa is the fastest but when it comes to topics such as the loss of our constitutional rights everyone just dummys up, see a pattern here?
I have not viewed that one, but did see it posted. Thanks. I'll probably check it out.

One of the primary reasons I do not have kids, is I do not believe *I* would be allowed to RAISE them the way I want: you know, respecting elders, spanked, allowed to be a kid... etc... media is total crap for kids these days. Hats off to all you parents raising kids! Monumentally tough job.

Trouble with FUTURE FEAR is, the generation we fear it for is already numbed to it and it is NORMAL for them. "our fears are normal for their life". How sick and wrong is that? ? .... BUT, that's how it is, they grow up with it and it's ok TO THEM. We're dead so it makes no more difference to us and they accept it. The SEAM EXACT WAY we accept things in our present world that our grand and great grand parents would consider VERY SICK AND WRONG. This is how it is.

The other part to this is people doing ANYTHING might take away their safety net... "I could loose my social security, my pension, my income, my home", whatever.... well, you can loose that at anytime NOW but no one really thinks about that. They would have to break out of the comfort zone that ALL of society tells them they need to achieve because it is labeled as "success". A lie too big to see around.

But at some point in the human condition, our inner spirit rises up - after being CONSTANTLY squashed by ideals MAN puts on us - and says, "I need to break out! I need to go kill a large animal and provide food for my family, and ride a cycle 180 mph because I can, and I need to send that strongly worded editoral...." a lot of the times breaking the law.

I feel it's like an auto-balancer. "nature finds a way" to quote Jurassic Park
I watched a bit of that video. It's nice, but media lies 99.999% of the time. Because people say it on video does not mean it is true. It's no truer than the lies in media that tilted thier opinions on what is really going on in the first place. The only part I agreed with is the guy that said it's time to vote in a 3rd non party government - NOT lead by the corporations.

I have seen no changes in government since I was born. Thus I never vote - because none of them deserve it or make any difference anyway. It's a waste of my precious life's time to bother to TRY to keep up with the lies about which candidate is best to vote for, when in the end they are ALL exactly the same figureheads that do nothing.

But if and WHEN needed, the PEOPLE WILL do something. When it is needed. that's how it goes
If you never you never vote, how do you plan to make your voice heard? I know that some will say that one vote does not make a difference, but it does. I remember in the Oklahoma primarys, it was somewhere in the way of less than 50% of registered voters actually went to the polls. I am raising 4 kids, and there are a number of issues that I am very concerned with, healthcare, wages, overseas trade, etc. Life is what you make it. Not wanting to argue my friend, but I love a good debate.
I don't vote because I don't care. When the big corps. and the agenda driven groups run this country into the ground, I should be long gone.

I have no kids nor do I want any. I had a wife 6 years ago and don't see the need for another one.

Labor issues here don't affect me. In fact, the more imports, the more job security I have.

Foreigners can't put me out of work and my accountant sees that I pay minimal taxes.

America is the land of oppurtunity. I believe this so I'm using the money I make with this oppurtunity to plan my evacuation when this government takes enough of my freedoms for me to stand.
I'm with ya kaosccw. With all the SMART people voting, THIS is the best we get? Even if more people voted, we'd still end up with one or the other. Both are wrong. My vote doesn't matter thanks to the Electorial College or whatever it's called. Until THAT goes away, voting is meaningless
How will my choices affect my children in their futures? No clue. Thats why I'll be leaving them all my guns when I pass away.
The way I figure it, I have another 60 years to build up THEIR arsenal.
Where to start???...
1. Teach the people about Democracy AGAIN
2. Abolish the Electoral college.
3. Make corporate campaign contributions illegal.
4. Kill all lobbyists.
5. Restructure elections to reach people without help of special interests.
6. Create a National non-partisan television network funded by the public to broadcast each candidates' agenda with equal time sharing.
7. Obligate citizens to vote (after above reforms).
8. Stop practice of attaching riders onto major Legislative Bills. (if it is unrelated to the legislation then it has no business being lumped into the vote)
9. Kill Bill O'Reilly by spinning him to death.
10. Separate the Church from state (for real) no apologies, Stop using the name of GOD in politics
11. End military actions outside of US for all non-bonafide threats.
12. Return to Gold Standard for currency.
13. Nationalize petroleum industry.
14. Stop supporting corrupt foreign leaders.
15. Make prison very uncomfortable.
16. Support parents with no nonsense disciplinary tolerance (Legally enacted by parents) and not non-parents. Rollback discipline to the 50s
17. Return to the basic speed law.
18. Observe the constitution in everyday law enforcement.

Just a few off the top of my head..
Project I LOVE IT! Couple glitches though

4, 9 obviously not doable, but fun think about never the less

10 is backwards: separate GOV from CHURCH, as it was designed ORIGINALLY. With 85% [or whatever] believing in a God, trying to keep that out of government is not realistic... supporting my "Majority will always rule, reguardless" theory as mentioned above

So, I'm sayign when the government gets too stupid, people will rise up and do something about it. Might get ugly, but it will happen.
i watched the video and it reconfirms my thoughts
on the new world order, illuminati,council on foreign
relations,trilateral commission. at one time i did a
lot of research on this and the skins kept unfolding
like an onion. i don't share this very much lest i be
labeled a conspiracy theorist by most who really don't
want to know the truth.
The NWO is around the corner.. & the majority will fallow.. Wait until the economy crashes and people have no food, water , or milk for the babies .They will give in..Lock N Load , pass the bullets and praise the Lord...Keep some beans on the shelf and your ammo dry. Remember Ruby Ridge.
PS Shortcut Ya going to the Bash in the spring?
It's not longer a "Conspiracy" if it the MAJORITY's feelings and actions.

It's more like..... a correction.

VOTING in people won't fix it. Heck, I recall the whole christian community was backing BUSH, now they seem to hate him. hmmmmmm.... bad call? Not really... because ALL candidates sucked. And when the laws THEY make for the people become too stupid, the people will rise up and correct it.

Majority will rule.