I start the new year off with 1 new front tire ...2 weeks later rear decides its jealous and needs to be replaced.. so while im having front replaced told brake pads look a little low so when i change my rear tire and put it back on being careful to align the tire i over tighten the chain and while riding notice that it feels like it might be binding so i have gixxerhp check it out yep too damn tight! while im there i change my front pads totally shot after just 1 year... so then i start hearing squeek and think it might be warped rotor .. so last thursday i find out the hard way nope wheel bearing is junk on one side.. take front tire off and back to gixxerhp's house he changes bearings for me i go home and reinstall front tire bikes good...feels great... headin to work today 3 days later clutch feels soft pull cover fluid is low.... like i said i think my busa is mad at me this has been the way my summer has been going with my busa so now i need to goto the store get some dot 4 and refill/bleed my clutch and see if it is leaking somewhere...