I am really F U C K E D off now, we get jonny cheese not replyng because of leagal action, please someone be brave, Numbnuts saying dont introduce lawyers because JC cannot comment, whats this s h i t all about, What does shitzuki want, exactly whats going on, lets all keep it quiet AND KNOW ONE WILL KNOW, This is real b u l l s h i t. Shout it from the roof tops, get lawyers involved, get the wife involved, I dont give a F U C K who gets involved, all I care about is my engine, my bike and also me (dont get kids and wife involved), and if anyone has a problem with that including JC well F U C K U (it aint my problem you havnt got the bottle to stick up for your self). If we are all worried about people on the board then F U C K the board,
Replys welcome1.
Replys welcome1.