Just over 5k miles on these guys now and I have mixed feelings. They are fantastic for wear characteristics which makes them a great touring tire. They never have enough grip for spirited rides though. I find that if I grab a hanfull of throttle they break loose 90% of the time even after they have been ridden hard and heated for what should be more than long enough. The center compound is freakin hard. I think it's too hard. I commute mostly but, that being said, my commute is on a road that follows the Alps and is twisty as all get out. Never really had an issue with the side compound giving out in a turn but with a hard throttle on after the bike is straight they fall on their face. The Italian roads are made with smooth river rock rather than crushed rock so grip is limited anyway but these tires magnify that. If I rode a concours or st1300, they would be money. I'm starting to get aggrivated with the lack of traction at this point and they may just end up coming off before their day has come. Great for touring, anything past that look elsewhere.