tire plug?


Can this be plugged?

<a href="http://images25.fotki.com/v904/free/16e21/8/837800/5079497/IMGA0076-vi.jpg?1182535288[/URL" target="_blank">


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I plugged a stock Dunlop once and rode it 35 miles home on Friday afternoon. I checked the air pressure on Monday morning it was still the same. I then rode about 45 miles to the Dealer and got a new tire. No problems. The guy I bought my new tire from said he picked up a nail in a brand new tire and rode it until it wore out before he replaced it, but that was on the big SV...1000 I believe, not a Hayabusa.

Hope this helps...that is the only experience I have had with plugging a tire on the Busa.
Well Bro if it is a front yes you can plug it but I would not trust a plug on the front Tire if it were me Bro. If the plug were to come out could mean bad things for you. If you are going to Plug it us one of the patch and plug combos like the one below. They should sell them at your local dealership or Cyclegear.
