Titanium Force Exhaust

I recently ordered a full exhaust system by Toobee called the Titanium Force. I was told that the pipe was the better for producing horsepower in the mid range than most of the other pipes by a shop hear in Indianapolis. It will come with a PCII with a map specifically designed for it. I tried to look at the websited but it appears that the bulk of it is written in a different langauge. Has anybody out there heard anything about this exhaust system?
Hello Michael J, I live here in Indy, My Name is Mike Jones. When do you get your pipe?

Frnak, how do you like the pipe? Does it make a good curve? Have you put it on the Dyno yet?
I actually picked up the pipe this afternoon. I had to take the wheels off for something else and all I did today towards getting the pipe on was drain the oil and water and remove the fairing. I plan to finish everything by Friday so can run it on the dyno Saturday morning. Send an email to the address below with your info if you want to check it out:


[This message has been edited by Michael J (edited 13 April 2000).]
Frank,what type of pipe do you like for the busa what do you think about the muzzy,or the sato ? or what kind.
Julian, What type of info are you looking for?
The TI FORCE is a full titainum pipe, weighing 9pds out of the box.
If you take the baffle out you'll loose another 2pds.
There are a number of maps for the pipe, some not even on the web site yet.

You need to be very careful installing this pipe on the 2000, if you don't do it right you could burn up your lowers.

You may also want to purchase a metal fan blade from Muzzy, because of the problem with ALL the aftermarket pipes melting the plastic blades on the stock fan.

Orient Express sells the TI FORCE.
800-645-6521 Skip Dowling
(get your power commander 2 here also)
Do anybody know the web site for the Titanium Force Exhaust,is the pipe ovel or what,what do it look like ?