To stretch or not to stretch

FM Busa

Im in the process of installing my RCC stage 1 turbo to my busa and I was wondering if I should stretch the bike or not. Could you please send me your comments on weather I should do the stretch and if so please advise the ideal lenght for highway use and an occational trip to the 1/4 mile and twisties. I have a power comander, Ignition control and quick shifter on the bike.


I dont have a Turbo bike, havent ridden one. With that said, I cant help ya:laugh:

Stretching will help keep the front down and will hurt ya a bit in the corners. Depends on your riding preference and what you want form your bike. Florida guys can get away with it and not be to upset, where as riders in the smokey mountains probly wouldnt even consider it. Where are you located?
I had a 3-4 inch McIntosh arm on mine for a couple of years. It was a good length for just what you are describing. Here is a picture with it toward the longer side. I also ran a Brock Brick and a lead filled front axle. I am not it turbo HP territory however.

I might be willing to part with the arm if you decide to go that way.


Im in the process of installing my RCC stage 1 turbo to my busa and I was wondering if I should stretch the bike or not. Could you please send me your comments on weather I should do the stretch and if so please advise the ideal lenght for highway use and an occational trip to the 1/4 mile and twisties. I have a power comander, Ignition control and quick shifter on the bike.



I also have an RCC Stage 1 and McINTOSH 2"-6" underbraced arm set at about 4 1/2" which seems about perfect for what you're describing(it's not going to handle quite like a stocker,especially if it's lowered,but without it you're pretty much gonna have a wheelie machine).:thumbsup:
Your probably going to have a hard time keeping that front end down with a Turbo, Stretching it will help that problem, Mine is 6" ( No Turbo ) But looks like the majority so far says 4"
I have a 4" over arm, I run it about 3.5" back, I run the bike at stock height front and rear on the street, the bike is great on the street, handles great in the twisties...pretty much handles like a stocker except for maybe real tight stuff. I also occassionally lower it for drag strip use...I haven't really figured out the launch yet with the low compression and tallish 18/43 gearing but I have got it down to 1.62 60's and 4.00 330's....Not good really but...its enough for high 8s and for a daily ridden streetbike, i am satisfied with it.

Lowering the bike is what really kills the handling/cornering, not the length of the swing arm.... Pretty much anything longer then 4" and its just gonna blow the tire off on the street....2-3" over is a good compromise between wheelies/spinning. Ofcourse this depends on the power level and gearing.

Here is mine on a 500 mile road trip...