Too Tall?



My name is Barry. I currently have Honda ST 1300. It is a great bike and I am going to keep it. But, I would love to buy a new Hayabusa and the only thing stopping me is a 36" inseam. I have sat on a busa atime or two and I am uncomfortably cramped. Does anyone know if there are bolt-ons that might give me about 3 more inches of leg room?, the more the better. I realize I will be raising the center of gravity a bit but what else can I do? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Barry
There are some aftermarket rear sets with adustable pegs. Adjustable to bring up, down, forward or back the peg position. The range of adjustment is 1-1 1/2".
The Pegs are riding right on top of the exhaust as it is. There isn't much room to lower them.
Be nice to get three inches of lowering. Would put the pegs posibly outside edge of the exhaust. May loose some maximum leaning angle.
Raise the seat few inches can do easy enough.

Seems to be a number of tall riders who choosen the Busa. I for one find Busa leg position is comfortable, knees are bent but not over done. After riding there isn't anything aching. Even did a 21 hour Iron butt ride, no worse for wear. Bike before the Busa, my ass and feet would be killing me

Standard and Sport Touring motorcycles appear to be better for long legs. Ones with rider in a more upright seating position. BMW pactically makes it a science for rider comfort.
I also have a 36" inseam and find the 'Busa to be quite comfortable. No cramping or anything after ridin' whatsoever. Just had some Protek pegs put on to give a little more room (maybe 1"), but also added a set of Tobin seats that dropped my seating position. I think you would enjoy it.:D
Yeah another 36" inseamer here. I think the Busa is very comfy but your knee's cannot tuck into the gas tank recesses unless you pivot your feet back on the pegs. I know there are adjustables out there as mentioned above and there is a Buell peg mod that drops it nicely but I decided not to do it because it causes your shoes to scrap pretty bad when leaning from what I read. I already scraped the corner of my shoe off, doing 120mph on a 40mph posted, through the mountain pass. Although I was leaned over pretty far, enough to scrub the tire all the way to the edge far, your likely to scrap more often depending on your riding style. Good luck!
Glad to have another new member aboard! Welcome to the site....
6'5" here and no problems with comfort on a Busa! I did switch the footpegs and got about 1.25 inches. Plus, I raised the front another 1 or so with some GenMar bar risers. It all comes down to just riding the beast and developing your own feel for the bike. I believe you adjust to whatever it is you ride all the time be it a car or a bike.
Well let's just say that I'm 6'5", and I'm very comfortable. Maybe you should try the new mod using the Buell pegs. Can't remember exactly, but I think it gives somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 inches...