Took home little change 1st race


Dang 1 more win would have least got a $100
Rained hard all morning hurt turnout like 12 in street bike+6 in pro-et
WE both had slow light me .065 him .067 I looked over he was dead on me
had suck paint+tuck hard.Went across line 1st but broke out so did he but me by more.Dang thought I had it.

Figure take in least 3 grand on this mean lean money makin machine
Least took home $25 any time leave with paper thats the idea.

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wow. 24 bucks, you big baller you. i'd be happy just to keep it on 2 wheels at the strip.
thats just 1st race my friend i will take in several g befor years up.I only live 4 miles dopwn the road+I get in free because im probike track champ.

Thanks I wish could have got 1st
but theres always next week.I know were going get lot more bikes out there.
Was pouring rain up till noon I was surprised we ran.