Top Speed 256.4 Mph

yup thats fast alright
Yep. The time was confirmed at Maxton Mile. For just $250,000 you too can have a 250 MPH Busa! Hurry, get yours before the rush!
Lee in a certified HP nut! I have know him for several years. He is always pushing the envelope and watching it bend.....just when you think that is all that can be done, he cooks up something even more diabolical.....
yeah I have that issue of motorcyclist mag that the article was in. Great read.
Sheesh!  The fastest I have gone was 178mph on the Florida Turnpike.  I wouldn't want to even try to go 200mph never mind what he did!!!
Thats moving... I've done 180 but must say it doesn't feel like it, particularly as
the Busa gets up there so quick (and back down as quick too). Trouble is I keep running out of road.

I've been thinking of a turbo but wondering if its too mental?