TopGun + Libertek LED:s + RAIN?



Thinking about getting a undertail with LED:s. TopGun+Libertek LED:s are nice, but does anybody
know what happens in rain?

Anybody knows if flash/second stays the same or do you have to buy a relay too?

Will you get your ass all wet and will the LED:s drown and stop working?


Well being that I have hand made LED's that are a little more involved than leibertecks I will say this. You shouldnt have any problems in the raid. Only the TIPS of the LEDS protrude. They are very flush and sometimes are hard to see in blind spots. They do not include any flash rate controler so they blink VERY VERY fast. Thats another $45 option that has to be wired in and placed in the trunk. They also do not come with flashers themselves for the turn signals unless thats also been addressed. So another $$ and a part in the trunk. Looks good though. Also remember you have removed all the required red reflectors from the back of the bike so some states/areas thats a stickler. It's a towable offense at night in Ohio.
