Track Night!


Well, I went to the track tonight...
I was gonna take the busa, but right after I left my house, I realized that the sky had gone from beautiful blue to horrible dark grey... So I turned around. I still went to the track (a buddy of mine wanted to try out his VW GLI) and ended up driving an Mercedes SLK 230. I did pretty good (I think), I got my best time of 15.510 in my second run, and a reaction time of .2something. I got some interesting comments from the spectators (bunch of Ford/Chevy fans) about the "Mersaaiiideees". It was a blast though. I can't wait till I take the Hayabusa. I asked what I needed to ride the bike and they said, Helmet (duh), full leathers (1piece or 2 piece that zips at the waist), boots, and a cut-off/kill switch incase I ditch the bike. (I'de heard about the gear, but never the kill switch). So, either tomorrow or sunday I'm gonna try and get some leathers and the kill switch. I also gotta get some frame sliders just incase I drop it by accident.
Anyways, any sugestions on the things I need? any good websites that carry them?
if it's an NHRA track, you don't need a kill switch on da busa.... it has a tip-over switch, and NHRA changed the rules last year to allow fuel injected bikes with tip-over switches to run without the tether.
Glad you had fun...
Yeh, I had a ton of fun!
The SLK was an automatic
, but hey, it's still a mercedes

I'm SO looking forward to going to the track again!