Trade my Yoshi Pipes for DnD's

pic of his bike with pipes...

If other photos are needed just let him know!


Got a video so we can hear them? I just like watching videos here lately. :thumbsup:
My old bike had a rs3 race gutted. It didn't really sound like my buddies dds. they do kinda have a unique sound. But yea gutting your pipes will get you a lot more sound.

If yours is like my older rs3. Drill out rivets on endcap and pull out guts then rivet the cap back on. I believe they sale a kit for it.
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You could sell yours add in a few nickels and have a dd setup I believe. They are one of the cheaper brands. Just price point though not quality. If I wanted a round can I would be all about em.
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I found a set of DnDs andd put them on the bike.(thanks Craigslist) only problem is they sound as quiet as the yoshis that I just took off. My budddy's DnDs have a growl to them and he thinks this is because his bike is 3 yrs older with 7 k more miles. He says that over time maybe my DnDs will sound louder and with a GROWLlike his. Im sure hoping he is right !!!

What do u guys think ?