Trash talking 900RR


Group Buy Guy
Donating Member
Can't help myself from reliving what happened the other day! I'm at a gas station loading the Busa up with petro and along comes this bike/rider. Just so happens he fills up next to me, next thing I know were talking about our bikes. Now, I respect all makes/models of motorcycles (to each his/her own). But, obviously this individual has the worlds biggest, baddest, bike ever put together on the face of the earth.... Just ask him and I'm sure as he did me he will tell you! This went on for sometime and I finally decided I'd heard enough and started to leave. To my surprise he followed me onto the same highway. Not wanting to push this any further I decided to lay low and play it safe....... After watching this individual smoke past the Busa about three or four times (each time he would brake and come back for more..) I'd finally had enough and as luck would have it we both came to a stop light where we both gave each other the look and it was on...... I let him get me out of the gate and easy three bikes as I rolled the power on! Both bikes engines screaming as the smell of smoke permiated the air. He looked back with a smile from ear to ear, making me grab the throttle even harder..... One, two, and finally three gears gone. I didn't look over or back until we had reached the next light. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the mighty Busa had dropped another Honda....... sailing into the home stretch the Busa had came, saw, & conquered! It was a clear victory by at least 40 feet. He didn't say a word as we left this light, not one wimper from his bike. It was clear who was king this day.
I've had a few folks try to get me to run them....I dont usually bite, but I would have in that case as well!
Nobody ever wants to race my old air cooled lump, which is too bad, cuz I'd love to walk all over a vette or two...guess it's hard to take a bike that old seriously.

72,000 and still going strong
i willl definitely buy the hard cover when it comes out, you certainly can make a story interesting.. i love that word permiate... you put an s on the front of permiate and you get what my wife had for dinnner yesterday....